UNICAL Post UTME Screening Date: How to pass the University of Calabar Post UTME Exam?, Will UNICAL write CBT post UTME or Screening?, is there a difference between UNICAL Post UTME exam and Screening?
Hey SAVANT! welcome to today’s episode of my “Admission Guide Series“. Here I will highlight the different examination schedules for students who applied for UNICAL Post UTME, all you have to do now is sit back and read through diligently. ENJOY!

My guess is, you chose the University of Calabar as first choice in JAMB, scored above 140 (140 is the minimum JAMB cut off mark this year) and have registered for the Post UTME online.
If you checked all the boxes above, here is UNCAL examination schedule so you can get your mind prepared and ready for the exam.
Read Also: UNICAL POST UTME 2023/2024 (Cut Off Mark & Deadline)
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When Is UNICAL Post UTME Date?

UNICAL Post UTME Screening has been scheduled to hold from Monday, August 21st to Saturday, 26th August 2023 (six days), the exact date for each student depends on the Course he/she applied for.
Below is a table showing UNICAL Post UTME Screening date and schedule for the various departments in UNICAL.
The schedule below is for last year as that for this year has not been released
Download your PDF copy of this Aptitude Test Schedule below!
Day 1: Monday, 24th October, 2022
Time Scheduled: 9am – 10am
1. Arts And Social Science Education
- Adult Education
- Arts Education
- Education Geography
- Education Political Science
- Education Social Science
- Education Social Studies
- English Language Education
- Environmental Education
- Library And Information Science
- Political Science Education
- Religious Studies Education
- Social Studies Education
2. Educational Foundation Studies
- Education Foundation And Guidance And Counselling
- Educational Administration And Planning
- Educational Psychology
- Educational Technology
- Elementary Education
- Guidance And Counselling
- Special Education
3. Vocational and Science Education
- Agricultural Science And Education
- Biology Education
- Business Education
- Chemistry Education
- Economics Education
- Education History
- History Education
- Home Economics
- Human Kinetics Physical And Health Education
- Mathematics Education
- Physics Education
- Technology And Vocational Education
Time Scheduled: 10am – 12Noon
1. Social Sciences
VENUE: E-library
- Economics
- Peace And Conflict Studies
- Policy And Administrative Studies
- Political Science
- Public Administration
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Tourism Studies
2. Environmental Science
VENUE: E-library
- Architecture
- Environmental Protection Resources Management
- Estate Management
- Geography And Environmental Science
- Survey And Geoinformatics
- Surveying And Geoinformatics
- Urban And Regional Planning
Time Scheduled: 12Noon – 2pm
1. Arts
VENUE: E-library
- Christian Religious Studies
- English And Literary Studies
- Fine And Applied Arts
- French
- History And International Studies
- Linguistics And Communication Studies
- Music
- Philosophy
- Religious Studies
- Theatre Arts
2. Agriculture Forestry and Wildlife Resource Management
VENUE: E-library
- Agricultural Economics And Extension
- Crop Science
- Animal Science
- Fisheries And Aquaculture
- Food Science And Technology
- Forestry And Wildlife Management
Time Scheduled: 2pm – 3pm
1. Management Science
- Accounting
- Banking And Finance
- Business Management
- Marketing
Day 2: Tuesday, 25th October, 2022
Time Scheduled: 9am – 12Noon
1. Clinical Sciences
- Medicine And Surgery
Time Scheduled: 12Noon – 3pm
1. Basic Medical Sciences
- Biochemistry
- Human Anatomy
- Human Nutrition And Dietetics
- Human Physiology
- Pharmacology
2. Dentistry
- Dentistry And Dental Surgery
3. Pharmacy
- Pharmacy
4. Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Electronics And Computer Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
5. Biological Sciences
- Botany
- Genetics And Biotechnology
- Microbiology
- Science Laboratory Technology
- Zoology And Environmental Biology
6. Physical Sciences
- Computer Science
- Applied Chemistry
- Applied Geophysics
- Computer Science
- Geology
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Pure Chemistry
- Statistics
Day 3: Wednesday, 26th October, 2022
Time Scheduled: 8am – 1pm
1. Allied Medical Sciences
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Nursing Science
- Physiotherapy
- Public Health Technology
- Radiography And Radiological Science
Time Scheduled: 1pm – 3pm
1. Law
- Law
Day 4: Thursday, 27th October, 2022
Time Scheduled: 8am – 12pm
1. Problem candidate
- Problem Candidates
In Conclusion
The scheduled date for UNICAL Post UTME screening is Monday, August 21st to Saturday, 26th August 2023.
This is the lot I can take on this write-up, if you have any question or help, feel free to drop them using the comment box below.
Ensure to share this with friends on Facebook, Whatsapp, or any other social media network you can connect them with…
Related Searches... a. unical post utme date 2023 b. unical post utme date 2023/2024 c. unical portal d. unical post utme past questions e. is unical post utme form for 2023 out
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What does problem candidate mean please