AAU student Portal: How can I access AAU Student School Portal to check uploaded result?, How can I check my AAU Admission?, AAU Ekpoma students result login Portal
Hey SAVANT! here you will learn all there is to know about Ambrose Alli University (AAU) Ekpoma, Online student’s portal, how to login, website address, check result, Pay school fees and lots more… STAY TUNED!

AAU was one of the few schools in Nigeria that uses WAeUP.Kofa to manage students activity online, such as, hostel application, Post UTME application, Admission list, Result upload and many others
WAeUP.Kofa is a multifunctional, open source, web based student management system that provides comprehensive information about students application and study progress.
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WAeUP.Kofa is an acronym for West African eUniversity Project (WAeUP), you can learn more about this project @http://www.waeup.org.
Currently, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma no longer uses this management system for students and online activity, instead, now runs a student Portal independent of WAeUP.
The AAU Kofa Portal has been shut down due to pending issues with the management of the institution.

Because this is a new system, a lot of students are not sure of what the new portal is, the URL to access it, and how to carry out some basic activity…
Well, if you fall in this category of student, it won’t be for long… ENJOY!
What Is AAU Student Login Portal?

Below is the website address to AAU new Student Login Portal
- AAU Post UTME Registration Portal – www.aauportal.school/putme-login
- AAU Login Portal – https://www.aauportal.school/login
- Ambrose Alli University Official School Website: https://www.aauportal.school/
How To Login AAU Student Portal?
To be able to login you must have your Username and Password, if you have these two, follow the guide below on how to login…
- First, visit AAU Student Login Portal @https://www.aauportal.school/login
- On the login page, enter your correct Username/email and Password in the required field
- Hit the Sign in Button
Once logged in, you can enjoy all the benefits the portal has to offer like, Pay your school fees, check uploaded result and lots more.
AAU Contact Information
Have any issue and want to get across to some from the school, below is AAU contact information…
- AAU Contact Address: KM 70 Benin Auchi Road P. M. B 14, Ekpoma Edo State Nigeria
- Phone Number: +234 805 130 6155
- Email Address: [email protected]
Other Contact:
- Vice Chancellor: +234 905 849 4343
- Registrar: +234 905 849 4345
On Social Media:
- On Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/officialaauekpoma/
Key Takeaway
AAU no longer use WAeUP.Kofa, you can access her new online platform @aauportal.school
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This will be all for now, I understand you may have a question or two to ask, feel free to drop them using the comment box below!
Ensure to share this with friends on Facebook, Whatsapp, or any other social media network you can connect them with…
Related Searches... a. aau kofa login b. aau result portal c. www.aauekpoma.edu.ng login d. aau kofa results