JAMB Hausa Syllabus 2024/2025: Is JAMB Syllabus for Hausa out for this year’s JAMB? when will JAMB syllabus for Hausa be out?” what topics do JAMB set questions from Hausa the most? what is the most repeated topic in JAMB Hausa?
Welcome SAVANT! to another exciting episode of “JAMB Doctor Series“, in this episode we will provide you with the official topics recognize by JAMB, which you are expected to be a guru in before entering the hall to sit for your JAMB Hausa Exam. STAY TUNED!

Have you ever wondered where you can find the topics for Hausa JAMB normally asks or the most repeated topics or question in JAMB Hausa? then you are a step away from finding your answer.
The short answer to the above question is “JAMB Syllabus”, in fact, JAMB Syllabus is the only expo you will be getting as you prepare for 2024/2025 UTME Exams, this syllabus contains area of concentrations and topics your questions will be asked from.
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Any smart students would cherish this piece (Syllabus) and make effective use of it, the fact that you are searching for this now, simply means you are in the right direction. you should see my top notch guide on How To Pass JAMB With High Score (300+).
What Is JAMB Hausa Syllabus?

JAMB Syllabus for Hausa is a collection of topics the board expects you to be well grounded in before the exam.
If Hausa is one of the subjects you will sit for in JAMB, then you need this syllabus, these were actually compiled by JAMB, so it is something you can rely on.
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JAMB Syllabus For Hausa

JAMB Hausa syllabus is designed to evaluate your ability to:
- Acquire the ability to read and write competently in the Hausa language;
- Know the basic features of Hausa grammar;
- Have the basic knowledge of oral and written Hausa literature;
- Have the ability to appreciate the culture, customs and institutions of the Hausa people;
- Have the ability to translate competently from English to Hausa.
Download your copy of the syllabus using the download button below👇
Below is a detailed syllabus for JAMB Hausa, you can bookmark this page for easy access to this page. ENJOY!
The syllabus covers the following areas:
- Harshe (Language)
- Al’adu (culture)
- Adabi (Literature) –oral and written literature.
JAMB’s Literature Text For Hausa
- Prose (zube) Turmin Danya
- Poetry (waka) Wakokin Hausa
- Drama (wasan kwaikwayo) Abin Da Kamar Wuya
1. Harshe (Language)
- Alphabetization; spelling; rules of word merger and division; punctuation, paragraphing; all in line with standard Hausa.
- Contextual questions from short unseen passages of about 200 words.
Tsarin Rubutun InshaÂ’i (Composition/Letter Writing Techniques).
- Ire-iren fassara.
- Ƙa’idojin fassara.
- Matsalolin fassara.
- consonants – production and classification in terms of phonation, place and manner of articulation.
- vowels – production and classification in terms of position of tongue and lips; monophthongs and diphthongs.
- tone – e.g. high, low and falling tones.
- syllable structure – syllable types, e.g. open and closed syllables, light and heavy syllables syllabic categories of words – monosyllabic, disyllabic, etc.
- vowel length – long and short vowels.
- phonological processes – e.g. assimilatory: palatalization, labialization and vowel harmony; non-assimilatory: insertion and deletion.
- roots and stems.
- affixation – e.g. prefix, infix suffix and their derivational and inflectional functions.
- gender and number inflections.
- derivation of nouns and adjectives from verbs; adjectives and verbs from nouns.
- word classes – e.g. nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections and ideophones.
- grammatical categories – e.g. tense and aspect (general and relative past: general and relative continuous, first and second future, habitual); mood (subjunctive and negative); gender (masculine, feminine and neuter) and number (singular and plural).
- sentence structure – e.g. verbal sentence, nominal phrase + verbal phrase and their components, non-verbal sentence: nominal phrase + stabilizer, nominal phrase+ compliment + stabilizer, nominal phrases + continuous frame (yana../yake…) (+da) + nominal phrase.
- sentence types – e.g. simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences.
- clauses – types (e.g. relative and subjunctive); functions (e.g. main and subordinate).
- lexical aspects of word meaning – e.g. ambiguity, synonymy and antonymy.
- figures of speech – aspects of specialized meanings of words and phrases.
2. Al’adu (Culture)
- Haihuwa (birth) –ɗaukar ciki da goyon ciki da haihuwa da shayarwa da alÂ’adun makon haihuwa da wanka da ɓanti da yaye da kaciya da samartaka.
- Aure (marriage) – ire-irensa da nema da baiko da ɗaurin aure da biki da zaman aure da saki da zawarci.
- Mutuwa (death) – faɗar mutuwa da wanka da salla da janaÂ’iza da zaman makoki da sadaka da takaba da gado.
- Tasirin zamani akan rayuwar Hausawa.
- tsarin zaman iyali da zaman gandu da dangantakar kishiyoyi da ‘yan uwantaka da barantaka da agolanci.
- maƙwabtaka.
- aikin gandu da na gayya.
- abota da ƙawance.
- gaisuwa da karimci.
- tasirin zamani a kan zamantakewa.
- ire-irensu – noma da ƙira da jima da kasuwanci da wanzanci da sassaƙa da farauta da dukanci da saƙa da kitso da rini da fawa da fafar ƙorai, da sauransu.
- yanayinsu – hanyoyin gadon su da kayayyakin yin su da matakan tafiyar da su da muhimmancinsu.
- kayayyaki ko amfanin da suke samarwa.
- sarautunsu.
- sanaÂ’oÂ’i masu dangantaka da jinsi – aikatau da ƙwadago; kitso da aski.
- tasirin zamani a kan sanaÂ’oÂ’in gargajiy
- na buƙatun cikin gida (household) – tufafi da karikitan cikin gida.
- na sauran buƙatu (others) – gine-gine da girke-girke da sauransu.
- tasirin zamani a kan kayayyakin buƙatuwa.
- na addini (religious) – irin su bikin salla da takutaha (sallar gani) da cika-ciki da saukar karatu.
- na gargajiya (traditional) – irin su kalankuwa da buɗar dawa, da bikin shan kabewa.
- na sanaÂ’a (occupational) – bikin kamun kifi da dambe da kokawa da wasan farauta da wasan maƙera da hawan ƙaho.
- na nisha?i – sukuwa.
- na yara (childrenÂ’s games) –irin su shalle da kulli-kurciya da a-sha-ruwan-tsuntsaye da gaɗa da carafke.
- tasirin zamani kan bukukuwa da wasanni.
- camfe-camfe irinsu kangida da camfi, da kambun baka.
- bauta irin su bori da maita da tsafi.
- tasirin zamani a kan camfe-camfe da bauta.
- ire-irensu – sarki da hakimai da dagatai da masu unguwanni.
- na bayin sarki – shantali da jakadiya da baraya da sauransu.
- masu alaƙa da addini; irin su liman da alƙali.
- ayyukansu.
- ire-irensu na gargajiya: sassaƙe-sassaƙe da sauyoyi da na gari da na ruwa.
- na addini: layu da rubutu da ɗibbu da duba.
- hanyar amfani da su – sha da shafawa da surace da turare da shaƙawa da
- taunawa da tsotsawa da ɗaurawa da liƙawa da ratayawa.
- awo da kimantawa.
- ayyukansu – riga-kafi da warkarwa.
- tasirin zamani a kansu.
3. Adabi (Literature)
I. Adabin Baka (Oral Literature)
- Irin su tatsuniya da almara da hikaya da ƙissa da tarihi.
- Irin su take da kirari da habaici da zambo da karin magana da kacici-kacici da salon maganada adon harshe.
- ire-irensu –na fada da na jama’a da na maza da na sha’awa da sauransu:
- jigo da salo da zubi da tsari da mawaƙi da kayan kiɗa da abin da aka waƙe.
- waƙoƙin aiki: na niƙa da daɓe da na daka da na talla da sauransu;
- Waƙoƙin yara (maza da mata); na aure da na dandali da sauransu;
- Na yara:
- ire-iren su langa da wasan Â’yartsana da tashe da wasan gauta da dokin kara da
- sauransu.
- yadda ake yin su.
- muhimmancinsu.
- Na manya:
- ire-iren su ‘yan kama da kalankuwa da hoto da wowwo da tashe, da sauransu.
- yadda ake yin su.
- muhimmancinsu.
- Kome Nisan Dare
- Waƙoƙin Mu’azu Haɗeja
- Kulɓa Na Ɓarna
Frequently Asked Questions
How Many Questions JAMB Sets In Hausa?
The total number of questions JAMB asked in Hausa is 40, with each question carrying 2.5 marks.
This means if after answering Hausa, you were able to answer 30 questions correctly in JAMB you have been able to secure 75 marks for yourself.
JAMB Recommended Textbooks For Hausa
To make sure your reading is inline with what your should know, JAMB has prepared a list of textbooks that will help you achieve that purpose.
Is JAMB Hausa Syllabus For 2024 Out?
YES, JAMB syllabus for Hausa is out.
In Conclusion
It is advisable you go through these topics listed here, as they would help you have a more directed preparation and reading for JAMB Hausa.
This will be all for now, I understand you may have a question or two to ask, feel free to drop them using the comment box below!
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