Things To Take To JAMB Exam Hall: What items will I be allowed to take to JAMB exam hall? how to use computer in JAMB hall? what should I take to JAMB exam hall? can I prepare for JAMB in one month?
Hey SAVANTS! welcome to today’s episode of “JAMB Doctor Series” here you will get access to JAMB list of items you should not take to the exam hall & items you will be allowed to… STAY TUNED!

Knowing the items you are allowed to and to not take to the exam hall is of great deal, that is of course, you don’t want to be taken unaware.
I have seen cases where students prepare for JAMB mathematics using their scientific calculator, only to realize on the exam day that they will not be allowed to use it on the exam day.
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Such information is enough to destabilize that student, and having a negative impact on his/her performance which you certainly do not want.
To avoid that, the Board (JAMB) releases the list of things to take to JAMB exam hall as well as prohibited items for JAMB.
Nah, no need to thank me, what are friends for… lol
Things To Take To JAMB Exam Hall

Below is the list of items you are expected to go to your JAMB center with…
- JAMB Reprint slip (2 copies): This slip contains your biodata & JAMB center details, without this you will not be allowed to enter the exam hall, print two copies of this slip, one for you and the other for the center.
- PENCIL: For those offering subjects like physics, economics or mathematics where you will need to do some calculation, you can come with your sharpened pencils.
- EXTRA CASH: Although you may not pay any fee to sit for the exam, as it was part of your registration fee, but they may be need to do a thing or two with cash.
These are the items students are permitted to enter the hall with.
JAMB List Of Prohibited Items

Below are items you are not allowed to take to the exam hall;
- Watches
- Pen/Biro
- Mobile Phones or Similar Electronic Devices
- Spy Reading Glasses Which Should be Scrutinized
- Calculators or Similar Electronic Devices
- USB, CD, Hard Disk, and or Similar Storage Devices
- Books and Any Reading/Writing Material
- Cameras
- Recorders
- Microphones
- Ear Pieces
- Ink/Pen Readers
- Smart Lenses
- Smart Rings/Jewelry
- Smart Buttons
- Bluetooth Devices
- Key Holders
- ATM Cards
- Erasers
You are advised in your best interest NOT TO bring THESE ITEMS close to the exam venue, any breach of this directive would bar you from taking the examination.
Instruction On Biometric Verification
- Biometric Verification will be the only mode for the admittance of candidates into the examination centre. Strict adherence to the guide on compulsory biometric verification of every candidate is required.
- No Candidate should be kept waiting if he/she cannot be verified. Such a candidate should be recaptured at the centre before leaving. ONLY genuine cases will subsequently be treated.
- There is no other Attendance Register apart from the biometric verification. Biometric verification will also serve as Attendance Register during examinations.
- Photo Albums will only carry pictures with no marking points for either Present or Absent status.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is calculator allowed in JAMB?
Yes, JAMB has a built in calculator that you can use for the exam, but you will not be allowed to enter the exam hall with a calculator.
Is four figure table allowed in JAMB?
No, students will not be allowed to enter the hall with four figure table.
Does JAMB calculator have square root
The in-built calculator on JAMB CBT exam software is similar to the basic calculator, it contains functions like /, *, -, + and square root, but it lack complex functions like sine, log, etc.
Is phone allowed to JAMB exam hall?
Your mobile phone is one of the things you should not take to JAMB exam. In simpler term, Mobile phone is banned from the hall.
Is Pen and Paper allowed in JAMB?
No, students are not allowed to bring in pen and paper to the exam hall for JAMB.
In Conclusion
Watches, Pen/Biro, Erasers and other items listed here are not to be taken to the exam hall, you should go to your center only with your JAMB reprint slip.
This will be all for now, I understand you may have a question or two to ask, feel free to drop them using the comment box below!
Related Searches... a. is four figure table allowed in jamb b. how to use jamb calculator effectively c. is pencil allowed in jamb d. does jamb calculator have square root
Can we use the computer calculator instead of jamb required calculator.can’t it affect our work
Yes Abdulrasheed, you can use the installed calculator, while on the Exam screen you will see a toggle to use calculator.
The reprinted slip is it coloured or black and white
The colour depends on the printer used, but any would do just fine
Can i come with a blank sheet of paper on my own or will they provide
Can I come with a blank sheet of paper on my own
You said those offering physics can take pencil and also will any working sheet be given to us
Is there any extra time give to those offering physics and mathematics?
No working sheet will be provided for students, most times students use their reprint slip for this purpose.
Secondly, no extra time for calculation subjects, so you must manage the time allocated to you
Will JAMB give plane sheet for working?
No Vic
Can we wear palm sanda to the exam center for those that do not have sanda or shoe
Provided your dressing is decent, you will be fine Toheeb
Can i take my reprint to the jamb hall. Is it the original copy of the reprint that would be required or fake
Yes, you are expected to go to the Exam hall with your reprinted JAMB slip.
No such thing as original or fake.