JAMB Igbo Syllabus 2024/2025: Is JAMB Syllabus for Igbo out for this year’s JAMB? when will JAMB syllabus for Igbo be out?” what topics do JAMB set questions from Igbo the most? what is the most repeated topic in Igbo?
Welcome SAVANT! to another exciting episode of “JAMB Doctor Series” in this episode we will provide you with the official topics recognize by JAMB, which you are expected to be a guru in before entering the hall to sit for your JAMB Exam for Igbo. STAY TUNED!

Have you ever wondered where you can find the topics for Igbo JAMB normally asks or the most repeated topics or questions? then you are a step away from finding your answer.
JAMB Syllabus is the only expo you will be getting as you prepare for your UTME exams, this syllabus contains area of concentrations and topics your questions will be asked from.
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Any smart students would cherish this piece (Syllabus) and make effective use of it, the fact that you are searching for this now, simply means you are in the right direction. You should see my top notch guide on How To Pass JAMB With High Score (300+).
What Is JAMB Igbo Syllabus?

JAMB Syllabus for Igbo is a collection of topics the board expects you to be well grounded in before the exam.
If Igbo is one of the subjects you will sit for in JAMB, then you need this syllabus, these were actually compiled by JAMB, so it is something you can rely on.
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JAMB Syllabus For Igbo

JAMB Igbo syllabus is designed to evaluate your ability to:
- communicate effectively in Igbo;
- analyse issues in the language;
- interpret and explain figurative and idiomatic expressions in Igbo;
- apply Igbo literature to their daily life experiences and to demonstrate Igbo cultural values
Download your copy of the syllabus using the download link below👇
Below is a detailed syllabus for JAMB Igbo, you can bookmark this page for easy access to this page. ENJOY!
JAMB’s New Literature Text For Igbo
- Prose(iduuazi) Chinedu Ofomata (2009). . Enugu: Format Publishing LTD.
- Poetry (Abu) Nolue Emenanjo. . Onitisha: Evans Brothers.
- Drama (Ejije) Odunke Artists (1981). . Ibadan: U.P.L.
1. Essay (Edemede)
- Basic principles of essay writing: introduction, body and conclusion
- Basic essay types and their characteristics
- Narrative (Akọmakọ)
- Descriptive and Expository (Nkọwa na Nkọwami)
- Argumentative (Mgbagha/Arụmarụụka)
- Speech making (Ekwumekwu)
- Letter Writing (Edemleta)
- Dialogue (Mkparịtaụka)
2. Comprehension (Aghọtaazaa)
- One passage of about one hundred and fifty (150) words.
3. Sounds and Sound Patterns (Ụdaasụsụ na Usoro Ụdaasụsụ)
- Vowels and Consonants (Ụdaume na mgbochiume)
- Sound Patterns/Processes
- Syllabic nasals (myiri ụdaume)
- Syllable structure (nkeji mkpụrụokwu)
- Vowel harmony (ndakọrịta ụdaume);
- Vowel assimilation (olilo ụdaume);
- Vowel elision and consonant elision (ndapụ ụdaume na ndapụ mgbochiume)
- Tone and tone marking (Akara ụdaolu)
4. Spelling and spelling rules (Nsupe na Iwu Nsupe)
5. Igbo Orthography (Mkpụrụedemede Igbo)
Candidates should be able to:
- detect words written correctly in Igbo;
- observe consonant restrictions in Igbo;
- determine appropriate word division in Igbo;
- apply correct spellings in writing
6. Dialect and Standard Igbo (Olundị/Olumba na Igbo Izugbe)
7. Vocabulary (Mkpụrụokwu dị n’asụsụ)
- Expansion through word derivation processes, coinages, loans and loansblends (Ịmụbawanye mkpụrụokwu site n’usoro mmepụta, mkpụpụta, mbite na mbiọgwa).
8. Grammar (Ụtọasụsụ)
- Parts of speech (Nkejiasụsụ): Nominals (Mkpọaha), verbs (ngwaa), adjectives (nkọwa), adverbs (nkwuwa), affixes (mgbakwunye), enclitics (nsokwunya),dgz.
- The structure, types and functions of the morpheme (Ndokọ, ụdị na ọrụ mọfịm) Free & bound (nnọọrọonwe na ndabe)
- the word (mkpụrụokwu)
- the phrase (nkebiokwu)
- the clause (nkebiahịrị) nominal, relative adverbial (kemkpọaha na kenkwuwa)
- the sentence (ahịrịokwu) simple (mfe), compound (ukwu), complex (mgbagwọ, dgz
9. Translation (Ntụgharị)
- Literary devices (Atụmatụokwu na atụmatụ agụmagụ) dịka alliteration (bịambia mgbochiume), assonance (bịambịa ụdaume), parallelism (kwunkwugha), metaphor (mbụrụ), simile (myiri), hyperbole (egbeokwu), personification (mmemmadụ) and proverbs (ilu), dgz.
- Oral Literature: Agụmagụ Ọnụ/ Agụmagụ Ọdịnala Questions will be set on the following: folktales (ifo), anecdotes (ụkabụilu), myths (nkọmịrịkọ), legends (nkọkịrịkọ), poems (abụ), songs (uri), chants (mbem), riddles (agwụgwa), oral drama (ejije ọnụ), tongue-twister (okwuntụhị) dgz.
- Written Literature (Agụmagụ Ederede) (a) Prose (iduuazị) (i) Ude Ọdịlọra (1981) Ọkpa Akụ Eri Eri. Onitsha: University Press. (NECO/WAEC) (2016- 2020).
- Poetry (Abụ) (i) Ikeokwu E.S & Onyejekwe M.C. (2009) Uche Bụ Ahịa. Enugu: Format Publishers Nig. LTD. (WAEC/NECO 2016- 2020).
ABỤ NDỊ A HỌPỤTARA (Selected Poems)
1 Ụwa Ndọlị Ndọlị – 1
2. Ọchịchị – 14
3. Ọnwụ 1 – 16
4. Chi-Ukwu – 20
5. Ire 1 – 22
6. Ozi Ọma – 28
7. Mmụta – 30
8. Ezi Nwaanyị – 36
9. Anyanwụ – 40
10. Akụ – 44
11. Akaraka – 49
12. Ọnwa – 69
13. Akwụkwọ – 71
14. Nwanne – 89
- Nwaozuzu G.I. (2005). Nke M Ji ka. Enugu: CIDJAP Press. (WAEC/NECO 2016- 2020).
Igbo customs and institutions as categorized below:
- Ekele dị icheiche: ekele ụtụtụ, ehihie, anyasị, nri, nlakpu, ọrụ dgz.
- Alụmdi na nwunye, ịgba alụkwaghịm.
- Ọmụmụ na ile ọmụgwọ, ikupụta nwa, ibi ugwu, ịgụ aha.
- Echichi: Ọzọ, Eze/Obi/Igwe/Iyom.
- Ike ekpe, ịkwa ozu, ịgba mkpe.
- Ụmụnna, ụmụọkpụ/ụmụada.
- Ọgbọ/ebiri/uke, ọhanaeze, ezinaụlọ
- Arụ na nsọala: Ihe nsọ – anụ, osisi, ebe, igbu ọchụ.
- Ọchịchị Ọdịnala: Igwe/Eze, Nze na Ọzọ, Ụmụnna, Ezinaụlọ dgz.
- Nnabata ọbịa, ọji na ịtu nzu, itu aha, dgz.
- Ịgba afa, ịchụ aja, ịgọ mmụọ, ofufe.
- Nkwenye: ịdụ isi/ịṅụ iyi, ịgba ndụ, orikọ, dgz
- Akụnaụba: inwe ala, ike ala, ekpe, elulu (ịkpa ọkụkọ, ewu, dgz).
- Ikikere mmụọ: ọfọ, ogu, ọtọnsi, okpesi,ikenga.
- Egwuregwu: mgba, egwu ọnwa, ikpọ ụga, ịzụ ǹchò, ịzụ okwe, dgz.
- Akaọrụ ndị Igbo: Ọrụ ugbo, ịkụ azụ, ịkpụ ụzụ, ịzụ ahịa, ịtụ ihe ọtụtụ, dgz.
SECTION D: General and Current Affairs (Ihe Ndị na-eme Ugbua)
- Topical issues on the Igbo language, literature and culture e.g. Ahịajiọkụ and Odenigbo lectures.
- Ọhanaeze Ndị Igbo
- Authors, Publishers, dates and places of publication of works in Igbo.
- Igbo Studies Association (ISA)
Frequently Asked Questions
How Many Questions JAMB Sets In Igbo?
The total number of questions JAMB asked in Igbo is 40, with each question carrying 2.5 marks.
This means if after answering Igbo, you were able to answer 30 questions correctly in JAMB you have been able to secure 75 marks for yourself.
JAMB Recommended Textbooks For Igbo
To make sure your reading is inline with what your should know, JAMB has prepared a list of textbooks that will help you achieve that purpose.
Is JAMB Igbo Syllabus For 2024 Out?
YES, JAMB syllabus for Igbo is out.
In Conclusion
It is advisable you go through these topics listed here, as they would help you have a more directed preparation and reading for Igbo in JAMB.
This will be all for now, I understand you may have a question or two to ask, feel free to drop them using the comment box below!
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