How Much Is JAMB Form: How Much is the Registration Fee for 2024 JAMB?, Is JAMB 2024/2025 Syllabus Out?, Has JAMB concludes admission exercise for 2024/2025? how much is JAMB form this year?
Hey SAVANT! Welcome to today’s episode of “JAMB Doctor Series” In this episode I will answer the question; How much JAMB Registration form would cost in 2024/2025 and your total expenses for the entire Registration process. Cool right? STAY TUNED! 😉

Registration for 2024 JAMB is yet to begin, and as such there is not better time to prepare yourself for the expenses that is to come, hence, the reason for today’s guide.
This write up will also answer questions such as, when will JAMB Form Be out for sale?, JAMB 2024/2025 Syllabus, Is JAMB Registration for 2024 still on? e.t.c.
Read Also: How To Register For 2024/2025 JAMB Online (UTME/DE)
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The cost for 2024 JAMB form is the same at all registration center, it does not vary, so you won’t have one center registering at a cheaper price and another registering at a higher one.
This would imply that, the answer I will be providing you here cuts across board and is applicable to all CBT centers registering JAMB.
Read Also: How To Recover Lost JAMB Profile Code, Email & Pin
How Much Is JAMB Form 2024?

JAMB Form for 2024 Is sold for NGN6700 (without MOCK) and NGN7700 (with MOCK) and can be purchased at any approved JAMB CBT registration center.
Although the actual application fee is NGN4,500, other add-on yo will pay for upscale this amount.
Don’t worry, I will show you a break down of this expenses shortly to allow for more transparency and remove all form of ambiguity😎.
Break Down Of Total Expenses for JAMB Registration
Like I said before, aside JAMB registration form, there are other things you will have to pay for, below is the break down
UTME/DE Application Fee | NGN3,500 |
Reading Textbook | NGN500 |
CBT Center service charge (WITHOUT MOCK or WITH MOCK) | NGN1,700/NGN2,700 |
Registration center service charge | NGN700 |
CBT (Exam) Service charge | NGN1000 |
Sum total without Mock | NGN6,700 |
Sum total with Mock | NGN7,700 |
Read Also: Difference Between JAMB And Post UTME
How Much Is JAMB Registration?
The Cost for 2024 JAMB Registration is NGN7,700 (with MOCK) or NGN6700 (without MOCK).
Students that may want to sit for JAMB Mock will have to pay an extra NGN1,000, making the total cost NGN6,700.
I’m pretty sure you understand why this is so, as I have shown you the reason for this from the table above.
Frequently Asked Question
If you have a question not already answered below, feel free to drop them using the comment box.
Is JAMB Form Out For Sale?
Yes, JAMB form for 2024 is out.
When will JAMB Form Be out for sale?
Sales of form begins 15th January, 2024.
When Is JAMB Registration Closing Date?
JAMB will stop sales of form 26th of February, 2024.
So the registration is to last for roughly one (1) Month. Mind you, after this deadline students would not be allowed to register nor partake in the 2023 JAMB registration and Admission Exercise.
Is NIN Compulsory for JAMB Registration?
Yes, NIN is a prerequisite to be able to participate in 2024 JAMB CBT Registration.
For those who have not obtained their NIN yet, ensure to get yours before the date for the deadline of sales of form.
Is JAMB Exam Hard?
No, JAMB Exam is not hard, in fact, JAMB is one of the most simplest exam you will sit for as a student and I have points to back this argument.
Now compared to other Exam, JAMB provides you with Syllabus which guides you on topics to focus on while reading, and most importantly, you have Past questions at your disposal.
Let me tell you a secret you should not tell anyone, JAMB repeats Past questions a lot, in fact your may end up studying past question for a particular year and end up seeing those same questions in your main Exam, YES, it has happened to a number of persons.
But, most importantly, what matters is your level of preparation, in fact, JAMB is as easy as how well you have prepared, it is a direct proportionality.
What Novel Will Be Used For JAMB?
The Novel to be used for 2024 JAMB is Life Changer by Khadija A. Jalli.
I would encourage you to study this novel very well, as you should expect nothing less than five (5) questions from this Novel, some student may be asked even higher.
Can You Prepare For JAMB In A Month?
Yes, you can still prepare for JAMB a month to, the earlier the better though.
This is only for student that the reality of the Exam struck late, well if you are in this web of student, it is not too late to start preparing, all you have to do is put in your all.
This will be all for now, I understand you may have a question or two to ask, feel free to drop them using the comment box below!
Related Searches... a. how much is jamb form 2024 b. how much is jamb form 2024 in nigeria c. is jamb form out d. when is jamb registration ending
Please what course can I study without physics and economics
What are the engineering courses available and which is more easier to gain admission with
Hey Jim,
Engineering courses available is peculiar to the school you want to apply to, so you can have computer engineering offered in a university, but not offered in another.
I would advise you go through Jamb brochure (Click here to access Jamb Brochuree), on the brochure, you will find list of Universities with all the courses they offer, you will also see the admission requirement for each Course.
As for engineering courses easier to gain admission in, Food and Computer engineering is not as competitive as the rest.
But I would always advice you go for what you have passion for.
Have a nice day Jim
Wat is d simplest engineering course in jamb
Hey Fine,
No Engineering course is hard or simple, if you wish to study any engineering course let it be focused on what you love or the subjects you are really good at…
Good luck
Computer engineering