Differences Between JAMB CAPS And School Admission: JAMB has given me admission but my school of choice has not?, Is JAMB admission more important than school admission?, what are the differences between JAMB CAPS and School admission?.
Hey SAVANT! In this blog post you and I will be going through diligently, the major differences between Admission offered to student on their JAMB caps and admission from school of choice Portal/website.

More often than not, Students always find it difficult to differentiate between the admission on their JAMB CAPS and admission from their school of choice, which is the reason for this write-up today.
So if you find yourself asking questions like ‘is admission on my JAMB CAPS different from that on School website?’ or ‘can JAMB give me admission and my school do not?’, then you this is the right piece for you, because this article got you covered… ENJOY!🥂
Read Also: How To Complain To JAMB For Errors and Make Inquiry
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Differences Between JAMB CAPS and School Admission

For those who may not know this, there is a difference between JAMB and School admission, and these differences will be explored here.
Both JAMB CAPS and School Admission are in synchronization with each other with respect to admission processing
…that is to say, One does not happen without the other.
Below you will find the major difference between Admission offered to students on JAMB CAPS and that processed by Schools, don’t worry, I will make this as fun as possible.
JAMB Admission

As a body, JAMB has the power to Upload admission offered to students in any of the Universities, Polytechnics or Colleges of education in Nigeria.
This admission will be based on whether or not the student meets the admission Cut off mark for his or her school of choice, In fact, the Joint admission and matriculation Board (JAMB) was established for this singular purpose.
JAMB is responsible for the upload of all admission offered to students in Nigeria institution and it’s one of the reason while it’s important to check your JAMB admission status regularly.

JAMB have the names and scores of all UTME candidates and those who meet the admission requirements will be selected and be offered provisional admission, this admission list was not prepared by JAMB directly but by the school in question.
JAMB only regulates the admission offered to students.
With JAMB, you can login to your JAMB CAPS profile, where you will see the option to either Accept or Reject the admission given to you.
Upon registration for JAMB, student provide relevant information to JAMB and it is from this data their Admission can be processed.
Since the introduction of JAMB CAPS – Central Admission Processing system, the various institutions are required to submit their list of admitted student to JAMB for Upload.
See Also: JAMB CAPS “You are Not eligible to use this service” Solution
School Admission
Upon successful completion of all necessary Exam, Your School of choice are meant to collect and submit the names of qualified candidates to JAMB by following the admission quota as stated by JAMB.
Any school that fails to abide by the rules set by JAMB may find themselves in situation whereby their admission list will be rejected by JAMB and new names will have to be drafted and resubmitted to JAMB for final review and approval.
JAMB then issues admission letter to student which will be used during their University’s clearance.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I be offered admission on JAMB Without School?
Admission on JAMB is usually based on the list submitted by your school of choice to JAMB portal, so the deal here is, if you are admitted on your JAMB CAPS then you should find your name in your school of choice admission list in no time.
How long does it take to accept or reject admission on JAMB CAPS?
Accepting or rejecting admission is usually within the period of 2 – 3 weeks, that is why students are expected to always check your Admission status on JAMB daily.
How Will I know If JAMB Has Given Me Admission?
You can tell if you have been admitted by JAMB or not by checking your JAMB admission Status on CAPS. Simply login to JAMB caps @ https://portal.jamb.gov.ng/efacility./login.
Fill with your correct login details and click on the “Check Admission Status” button.
How Will I know If School Has Given Me Admission?
Admission from your school of choice can be confirmed by visiting the Student’s portal
All Schools have a portal with which student can check for their admission. Identify that for your school to confirm your admission.
Does JAMB admission guarantee school admission?
YES, once your admission status on JAMB CAPs changes from admission in progress to Admitted, then you can be rest assured that same will reflect on your school of choice portal, because they both work hand in hand.
What do I do if JAMB has not given me admission?
There is really nothing much you can do aside than to wait and be hopeful that it comes out well.
Sooner or later, new names would be uploaded and your name may be included in that list.
Who gives admission first JAMB or School?
The school you applied to will compile the list of student that qualified to study the various courses they offer and send to JAMB for publishing through her JAMB CAPS portal.
For that reason, you can say, School first gives admission, then JAMB Publish the names of student already admitted by the School
Can JAMB give admission with awaiting result?
No, students who are yet to upload their O’ level result to JAMB CAPS Portal will not be offered admission.
This is so, because, JAMB want to ensure that only student who is certain to be fully qualified for an admission is given admission.
Can School Give Me Admission and JAMB Not?
Yes, school can give you admission and it will not reflect on JAMB CAPS, this is because the admission offered to you by your school have not yet being processed by JAMB.
What you will find on your CAPS portal is Admission in progress.
Which is more important JAMB Admission or School Admission?
No one is more important than the other, as students admission must reflect in both JAMB CAPS and School’s website.
In Conclusion
The difference between JAMB and School Admission is summarized in the table below;
JAMB Admission can be confirmed by login in to JAMB CAPS portal | Your School of choice admission can be confirmed on your school’s student portal |
JAMB cannot offer you admission without the school approving it | Schools can offer admission without approval from JAMB, but must be sent to JAMB for regulation and upload. |
JAMB do not decide the admission standard for a particular University, Polytechnics or Colleges of Education. | School determine the admission standard such as Cut off mark, aggregate score and minimum O’ level requirements. |
JAMB Does not give admission, it only regulates admission in collaboration with tertiary institutions | Schools are responsible for the admission offered to students, but this admission is regulated by JAMB. |
JAMB cannot offer any student admission without the school approving it. The same way, no school can offer any candidate admission unless JAMB confirms and approves that the candidate has met the requirements.
Both School and JAMB work hand in hand to ensure the admission is based on merit and other agreed upon criteria for admission.
This will be all for now, I understand you may have a question or two to ask, well feel free to drop them using the comment box below!
Related Searches... a. JAMB admission Status b. JAMB has given me admission but school has not c. school gave me admission but JAMB did not d. Differences Between JAMB CAPs And School Admission
Greetings of the day sir, my daughter applied to study medicine in UNIBEN and she got an aggregate score of 55.25. And they said since she didn’t meet the aggregate cut off score for medicine therefore she will be transferred to a less competitive course up till now we are still waiting for the transfer to come. Besides I heard that transfer is currently ongoing. What should we do at this moment. Your response/advice will be highly appreciated.
What in a situation where a student made all her WAEC subjects, scored 218 in JAMB and got an aggregate of 55.25 in the just concluded post UTME exam and applied to study medicine and surgery and pharmacy 1st and 2nd choice respectively in UNIBEN. Does such student have hope to be admitted to a less competitive course within the college of medicine in UNIBEN.
With am aggregate over 50 she stands a chance of being admitted, but no guarantee the admission would be to a less competitive course in college of medicine.
Admission can be from life sciences, Education, Agric, et al
Thanks, I appreciate your response. Remain bless.
Glad we could be of help
But why is JAMB CAPS portal still showing “sorry you have not been given admission yet”. What do you suggest we should do.
Sir I had d7 in physics and chemistry. Though the school I applied to gave me provisional admission to public health and I is planning to take GCE
My question is will jamb give me admission with that result or not
Good day sir. Sir I had d7 in physics and chemistry, though I was giving provisional admission to public health by my school but I’m planning to take GCE. And jamb has started giving other students admission
So my question is will jamb give me admission with that result or not
If you have been admitted by your school, this will most likely reflect in JAMB CAPS, but you may encounter some issues during clearance.
Okay sir
Good day sir… Please can you tell me the current cut off mark for law at UNIBEN?
Hey Larrie, please note that the University of Benin no longer public upload aggregate score for the different departments, but you can use the aggregates used in previous years as a guide.
Good morning sir, I wrote 9 subjects in my WAEC exam but I only uploaded 8 subjects on JAMB CAPS, will that in anyway affect my admission process in jamb?
P.S. The subject not included is not necessary for my course of study. God bless.
You will have no issues at all, provided you uploaded the 5 core subjects relevant to your course you are good to go.
Whoa! you replied so quick. Thank u for replying. I want to ask another question. I’ve been offered provisional admission at my school of choice, but it’s not been reflected on my jamb CAPS. Why is it? I’m worried because they gave me the admission four days ago and it still not reflected on my jamb caps. Thank u.
Well, as explained in this post, both JAMB and School admission work in synchrony, so admission on your school portal will most definitely reflect on your JAMB CAPS, although this may take some time, but it will.
But if the course you are admitted to is different from what you original applied for, you should be checking your JAMB transfer approval page.
Good luck moving forward.
Thank you for replying. If you click on the reject admission before they’ve given you admission, will it have an affect on your jamb caps? I had an error with my laptop leading me to mistakenly click on the ”reject” multiple times. I’m just hoping when they give me the admission the system wouldn’t glitch and choose the reject button? Thank u.
Not at all, provided no admission was shown at the time, nothing to bother about.
OK. Thank u.
I applied for jamb last year but did not get admission, I applied again this year with same same profile code. Will it affect my admission process? Thank u.
You are expected to use the same profile code for your JAMB, so you have nothing to worry about.
For more details on this, check this link; https://drugsavant.com/use-same-email-phone-number-profile-code-in-jamb/
Good morning Sir, sir my jamb caps admission status was showing not admitted but just today my caps showed my course and institution but the admission status is still not admitted. Please what does it mean? Hope is it lost by 2022/2023?
I have not yet recommended to jamb for admission. Thanks sir
You should always Market place on your CAPS profile to check JAMB transfer approval. with regards to whether all hope is lost, it is expedient to note that, admission processing for 2022/2023 is still ongoing, so you should keep a positive mind set.
My jamb caps shows not admitted but my school portal shows admitted . What should I do?
You should accept you JAMB CAPS admission, provided it reflects in JAMB you have nothing to worry about
I’m confused
please clarify what area you are confused about
My Jamb caps is showing Not Admitted but my School Portal shows you have been offered admission what does it mean
This may take some time to reflect on JAMB CAPS
Admin, my Jamb caps is showing not admitted but my school portal is showing “Your submitted application is being processed” what does that means?
Hey Miracle, you will have wait to be admitted by either your School or on JAMB CAPS to confirm this, as the ‘submitted application is being processed’ is not yet a confirmation for admission.
For now, I would suggest you read my guide on the meaning of the various terms on JAMB CAPS via the link below…
Sir, can two university offer a student admission on their School portal…..
Maybe a candidate applied the two university as first and second choice….
Which of the admission will reflect on jamb portal First
Sir, can two university offer a student admission on their School portal…..
Maybe a candidate applied the two university as first and second choice….
Which of the admission will reflect on jamb portal First
Only one institution can file admission for a student at a time, but your first choice will always have preference on CAPS
Hello sir my school portal says admission still in progress but my jamb says NOT admitted what does it mean
Hey Wisdom, you will have to wait for admission on any of the portal (your school of choice or JAMB), admission in one would reflect admission in the other
Hello sir, I was given “NOT ADMITTED” in my jamb portal which is correct since my school didn’t give me admission to my selected course, but instead offered me admission to another course. I was told to check my transfer approval in my jamb portal to accept the offered admission which I did and it came out totally different from the one school offered me, I waited for some months thinking the error might be corrected before accepting the admission but it didn’t, I’m confused and don’t know what to do now sir any help?
Sorry about the name though (12345) as the website kept saying error whenever I input my real name,
My name is Jeffrey sir
Good day Jeffrey, the course shown on JAMB CAPS is the course your institution transfered you to.
Unless you can confirm otherwise on your school portal, you should stick to this.
Hello sir, I was given “Not admitted” in my jamb portal which is correct since my school didn’t give me admission to my selected course but instead gave me admission to another course, I was told to check the transfer approval section in my jamb portal which I did but jamb gave me a totally different course from what the school gave me, I’ve exercised patience for some months now but it still didn’t change I’m confused and don’t know what to do, any help sir?
Please sir I have been offered admission by my school but my jamb caps is still showing Not Admitted. I already uploaded my O’level results since so what could be the problem
Provided your admission have been confirmed on your school portal, it will definitely reflect on JAMB CAPS.
Most likely, your school admission officer is yet to update names of admitted student to JAMB CAPS portal, you should exercise some patience.
sorry when i check my jamb caps this afternoon is shows that ave been offered admission where as i checked my school portal but is still showing not yet admitted .am confused
Since the admission reflects on your JAMB CAPS, be rest assured that the admission will also show on your school portal, for now
…accept your admission and proceed to print your JAMB admission letter.
Congratulations on your admission
Please when I tried to enter applicant login it was telling me invalid username and password and that’s is what have been using from onset pls what can cause it
Note that, Password entry is case sensitive.
Do well to confirm the information and try again.
What if jamb give admission but school doesn’t?
Jamb has given me admission but school is not.
Possible cause for this is that the school in question is yet to update the uploaded admission list on her portal, but be rest assured that since it shows on your JAMB CAPS it has been approved by your School.
Sir, but how do those people that use connection enter because most of them aren’t really qualified but yet receive admission. Wouldn’t jamb have approved it before giving the candidate admission?
Admission list include:
Merit list and subsequently other batches that include students that did not necessary meet the merit cut off mark.
Okay sir, thanks for your response!
I have been given admission by school but my jamb caps still saying admission has not been given yet.
I thought it should have changed to admission in progress why is it like this ?
Since your admission has been confirmed from your school end, it shouldn’t take long to reflect on JAMB CAPS, exercise some patience.
Pls can u post update about university of agbor also in your telegram channel
Please sir🙏 I want to ask if it’s necessary for jamb caps to show admission status as admitted before one proceed to obtain school admission form
Hey Abiodun, provided you score above the minimum JAMB cut off mark for the school you applied to, you are eligible to obtain the school’s admission form once they are out for sales.
Your caps will show you have been offered admission only when you have successfully registered for the Post UTME of the school in question and admitted. So, In summary, the trend is…
Register for Jamb – Apply for the Post UTME of the school you choose in Jamb – check Admission Status once admission list is out.