JAMB Literature In English Syllabus 2024/2025: Is JAMB Syllabus for Literature In English out for this year’s JAMB? What topics do JAMB set questions from Literature In English the most in JAMB?, what is the most repeated topic in JAMB Literature In English?.
Hey SAVANT! welcome to another exciting episode of my “JAMB Doctor Series“, in this episode I will provide you with the official topics recognize by JAMB, which JAMB expect you are a guru in before entering the hall to sit for your JAMB Literature In English Exam. STAY TUNED!

Have you ever wondered where you can find the topics for Literature In English JAMB normally asks or the most repeated topics or question in JAMB Literature In English? then you are a step away from finding your answer.
The short answer to the above question is “JAMB Syllabus”, in fact, JAMB Syllabus is the only expo you will be getting as you prepare for 2024/2025 UTME Exams, this syllabus contains area of concentrations and topics your questions will be asked from.
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Any smart students would cherish this piece (Syllabus) and make effective use of it, the fact that you are searching for this now, simply means you are in the right direction. you should see my top notch guide on How To Pass JAMB 2024/2025 With High Score (300+) here.
For the sake of students who do not fully understand what JAMB syllabus is, I will give a brief explanation about this and then provide you with the relevant topics and area of concentration as provided in JAMB Literature In English Syllabus.
I will also make the pdf available for download at the end of this write up… Enjoy!
What Is JAMB Syllabus?

JAMB syllabus is a collection of topics JAMB believes students must be well grounded in before they can sit for a particular subject in JAMB which in this case is JAMB Literature In English.
This syllabus were actually compiled by JAMB, so it is something you can rely on.
The aim of the Unified Tertiary Examination Board Syllabus in Commerce is to guide candidates in their preparation for the Board’s exam.
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Advantages of Using JAMB Literature In English Syllabus To Prepare?
Of course using JAMB syllabus to prepare for Literature In English in JAMB has its perks, some of these advantages includes…
- Expose you to topics you never taught were important
- You begin to see how JAMB thinks, and also expose you to what you should expects in different topics
- On the syllabus is also contained recommended textbooks, using JAMB recommended textbooks is key
With these I hope you will grab the opportunity of making good use of JAMB Literature In English Syllabus I will be providing you with shortly…
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JAMB’s Literature Text For Literature in English 2023
- Lion and the Jewel by Wole Soyinka
- Look Back in Anger by John Osborne.
- Second Class Citizen by Buchi Emecheta.
- Unexpected Joy at Dawn by Alex Agyei Agyiri.
- Wuthering Heights by Emile Bronte.
JAMB Literature In English Syllabus

JAMB Literature In English syllabus is designed to evaluate your ability to:
- stimulate and sustain their interest in Literature in English;
- create an awareness of the general principles of Literature and functions of language;
- appreciate literary works of all genres and across all cultures;
- apply the knowledge of Literature in English to the analysis of social, political and economic events in the society.
Download your copy of the syllabus here👇
Download JAMB literature In English Syllabus PDF
1. Drama
- Types:
- Tragedy
- Comedy
- Tragicomedy
- Melodrama
- Farce
- Opera etc.
- Dramatic Techniques
- Characterization
- Dialogue
- Flashback
- Mime
- Costume
- Music/Dance
- Décor/scenery
- Acts/Scenes
- Soliloquy/aside
- Figures of Speech etc
- Interpretation of the Prescribed Texts
- Theme
- Plot
- Socio-political context
- Setting
Study Objectives:
You should be able to:
- identify the various types of drama;
- analyze the contents of the various types of drama;
- compare and contrast the features of different dramatic types;
- demonstrate adequate knowledge of dramatic techniques used in each prescribed text;
- differentiate between styles of selected playwrights;
- determine the theme of any prescribed text;
- identify the plot of the play;
- apply the lessons of the play to everyday living
- identify the spatial and temporal setting of the play.
2. Prose
- Types:
- Fiction
– Novel
– Novella/Novelette
– Short story - Non-fiction
– Biography
– Autobiography
– Memoir - Faction: a combination of fact and fiction
- Fiction
- Narrative Techniques/Devices:
- Point of view
– Omniscent/Third Person
– First Person - Characterisation
– Round, flat, foil, hero, antihero, etc - Language
- Point of view
- Textual Analysis
- Theme
- Plot
- Setting (Temporal/Spatial)
- Socio-political context
Study Objectives:
You should be able to:
- differentiate between types of prose;
- identify the category that each prescribed text belongs to;
- analyse the components of each type of prose;
- identify the narrative techniques used in each of the prescribed texts;
- determine an author’s narrative style;
- distinguish between one type of character from another;
- determine the thematic pre-occupation of the author of the prescribed text;
- indicate the plot of the novel; identify the temporal and spatial setting of the novel.
- identify the temporal and spatial setting of the novel
- relate the prescribed text to real-life situations.
3. Poetry
- Types:
- Sonnet
- Ode
- Lyrics
- Elegy
- Ballad
- Panegyric
- Epic
- Blank Verse, etc.
- Poetic devices
- Structure
- Imagery
- Sound(Rhyme/Rhythm, repetition, pun, onomatopoeia, etc.)
- Diction
- Persona
- Appreciation
- Thematic preoccupation
- Socio-political relevance
- Style.
Study Objectives:
You should be able to:
- identify different types of poetry;
- compare and contrast the features of different poetic types:
- determine the devices used by various poets;
- show how poetic devices are used for aesthetic effect in each poem;
- deduce the poet’s preoccupation from the poem;
- appraise poetry as an art with moral values;
- apply the lessons from the poem to real-life situations.
4. General Literary Principles
- Literary Terms: foreshadowing, suspense, theatre, monologue, dialogue, soliloquy, symbolism, protagonist, antagonist, figures of speech, satire, stream of consciousness, etc., in addition to those listed above under the different genres.
- Literary principles
- Direct imitation in play;
- Versification in drama and poetry;
- Narration of people’s experiences;
- Achievement of aesthetic value, etc.
- Relationship between literary terms and principles.
Study Objectives:
You should be able to:
- identify literary terms in drama, prose, and poetry;
- identify the general principles of Literature;
- differentiate between literary terms and principles;
- use literary terms appropriately.
5. Literary Appreciation
- Unseen passages/extracts from Drama, Prose, and Poetry.
Study Objectives:
You should be able to:
- determine literary devices used in a given passage/extract;
- provide a meaningful interpretation of the given passage/extract;
- relate the extract to true life experiences.
List Of Selected African & Non-African Plays, Novels, And Poems
1. Drama
- African:
- Frank Ogodo Ogbeche: Harvest of Corruption
- Non-African:
- William Shakespeare: Othello
2. Prose:
- African:
- Amma Darko: Faceless
- Non-African:
- Richard Wright: Native Son
3. Poetry:
- African:
- Birago Diop: Vanity
- Gbemisola Adeoti: Ambush
- Gabriel Okara : Piano and Drums
- Gbanabam Hallowell: The Dining Table
- Lenrie Peter: The Panic of Growing Older
- Kofi Awoonor: The Anvil and the Hammer
- Non-African:
- Alfred Tennyson: Crossing the Bar
- George Herbert: The Pulley
- William Blake: The School Boy
- William Morris: The Proud King
Recommended Texts For Literature In English
1. Anthologies
- Gbemisola, A. (2005) Naked Soles, Ibadan: Kraft
- Hayward, J. (ed.) (1968) The Penguin Book of English Verse, London Penguin
- Johnson, R. et al (eds.) (1996) New Poetry from Africa, Ibadan: UP Plc
- Kermode, F. et al (1964) Oxford Anthology of English Literature, Vol. II, London: OUP
- Nwoga D. (ed.) (1967) West African Verse, London: Longman
- Senanu, K. E. and Vincent, T. (eds.) (1993) A Selection of African Poetry, Lagos: Longman
- Soyinka, W. (ed.) (1987) Poems of Black Africa, Ibadan: Heinemann
2. Critical Texts
- Abrams, M. H. (1981) A Glossary of Literary Terms, (4th Edition) New York, Holt Rinehalt and Winston
- Emeaba, O. E. (1982) A Dictionary of Literature, Aba: Inteks Press
- Murphy, M. J. (1972) Understanding Unseen, An Introduction to English Poetry and English Novel for Overseas Students, George Allen and Unwin Ltd.
Frequently Asked Questions
Number of Questions JAMB Set In Literature In English
The total number of questions JAMB asked in Literature In English is 40, with each question carrying 2.5 marks.
This means if after answering Literature In English, you were able to answer 30 questions correctly in JAMB you have been able to secure 75 marks for yourself.
Recommended Textbooks For Literature In English
To make sure your reading is inline with what your should know, JAMB has prepared a list of textbooks that will help you achieve that purpose, you can find the complete list of JAMB recommended Literature In English Textbooks.
Download JAMB literature In English Syllabus PDF
In Conclusion
It is advisable you go through these topics listed here, as they would help you have a more directed preparation and reading for JAMB Literature in English.
This will be all for now, I understand you may have a question or two to ask, feel free to drop them using the comment box below!
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Thank you so much
Thank you, please is there A to Z by Dele Ashade
Invisible teacher by same Author is available for download here 👉 https://drugsavant.com/jamb-recommended-use-of-english-textbooks/
Thanks for the info I’m grateful
Glad you found this use Favour
Am confuse is this the actual novel for jamb
Yes Dennis, but not for JAMB use of English
Which novel are really using in literature
Those listed here
Thank you drugsavant u people are amazing
Glad you found it useful.
Thank you very much sir/ma God will continue to bless and strengthen you for this piece Amen ???? I pray I score high in this 2023 jamb Amen ????????
Glad you you found this useful, success in your forth coming UTME exam
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen ????????????????