WAEC Result Release Date: Is WAEC result out? When will WAEC release results? What is the latest news on WAEC, when is WAEC result coming out in Nigeria?, Best WAEC result 2023?
Do you find your self asking any of the above questions, if yes, then you are reading the right article, because in this episode of my “O’level Toolkit Series“, you will see proposed released date for 2023 WAEC result… STAY TUNED!

What is the essence of sitting for an Exam, when you cannot confirm or see how well you performed in the exam? Not much fun right?.
WAEC fortunately is not one of those Exams you sit for and never see the result, the release of the result may not be as fast as JAMB would but one thing is certain, and that is, your WAEC results will definitely be released.
Read Also: WAEC Marking Scheme For All subjects: Grading System 2023/2024
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This now begs the question “When”, yea, fine the results will be released, but when exactly is the release date?
…these and many more you will be learning in this write-up, all you have to do now is take a glass of chilled water and read through diligently… ENJOY!
Is WAEC Result Out For WASSCE Candidate?

Yes, WAEC result for 2023/2024 School Candidates is out.
This means, if you sat for WAEC May/June Exam (that for senior secondary school candidate) then you can now check for your result online as they have now been uploaded to WAEC result checking Portal.
If you still don’t know how to check your WAEC result online, this guide should get you going in no time, read how to check WAEC result online.
When Will WAEC Result Be Out?
WAEC results are marked and released forty five (45) days after the Exam last paper, which for this will be 7th of August 2023.
WAEC unlike JAMB which takes few days to be released, takes a longer time for the results to be released, like I mentioned, it takes about 45 days for WAEC results to be released
The reason for this is, WAEC is still a paper based test (PBT) and not CBT (Computer based test), if WAEC was a CBT exam, it would definitely have taken a shorter time to mark, grade and collate the result.
After each exam has ended all the centers that participated in the Exam will have to submit their scripts, brief the board, before marking of scripts can begin, these whole process takes time, which explains the reason it takes 45 days to complete.
So, If the last paper for WAEC is to be written on Friday, 23rd June, 2023, then adding 45 days to this date would be 7th of August 2023.
When Will WAEC Start Marking?
Marking of scripts for students who participated in the 2023 West Africa Examination council Exam begins few weeks after the end of the exam.
Marking will be carried out in the 85 marking venues that is spread across the country.
WAEC Result sample
For those who may be interested in seeing how WAEC result would look, you can check out the image of this screenshot of a 2021 Waec result below…

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the pass mark for WASSCE 2023?
The Pass mark for WASSCE is C6 and above, any grade less than that (D7, E8 and F9) is normally not accepted for admission by any university in Nigeria.
Is E8 a pass mark?
No, E8 is not considered a pass mark in WAEC, as it will not be considered for admission by the different Universities in Nigeria
Will WAEC Release Withheld Result?
Yes, WAEC release withheld results of students that are exonerated, and by exonerated I mean “students finally proven not to have partook in Exam malpractice”
When Will WAEC Result Be Released?
Typically, WAEC results are released 45 days after the last paper of the exam is conducted, with that in mind, the result should be out 7th of August 2023.
In Conclusion
WAEC result is out, this result was released 7th of August 2023.
Read Also: How Many Questions Will JAMB Set This Year 2024/2025
This will be all for now, I understand you may have a question or two to ask, feel free to drop them using the comment box below!
Ensure to share this with friends on Facebook, Whatsapp, or any other social media network you can connect them with…
Related Searches... a. when will waec 2023 result be out b. latest news on waec results c. waec result 2023 release date in Ghana d. when is waec result coming out in nigeria
How can I get my jamb result
Via SMS, follow the guide shown here >> https://drugsavant.com/jamb-result/
I dont understand how 45 days from 23rd of June is 25th of August,It’s 7th of August If you do the math,so how did you arrive at your date of August 25,If you added 45 days to 23rd of june
7th of August is a more accurate calculation.
I have not still see my WAEC result
What response do you get when you try to check your result using the portal?
What’s the deadline for the release of all waec results
All results are uploaded once, except those results held by the council.
So when will it finally be out coz I really need it for very important thing and the stuff will end on 11th of August pls you people should help me pls
It should be out by 7th of August 2023