D7, E8 or F9 On A Required Subject In WAEC: I had D7 in mathematics and chemistry, please how can I use it to get admission?, what can I do if I had D7, E8 or F9 on A required subject in WAEC, NECO or NABTEB?.
In this post, I will cover possible solutions you can use to gain admission even with Pass (D7/E8) or Fail (F9) in WAEC. Don’t worry you can thank me later.

O’level result is one of the prerequisite to gaining admission in any tertiary institution (University, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education), It is as important as your JAMB, if not more important.
Read Also: How Many Subjects Are Written In WAEC, NECO & NABTEB
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You can obviously gain admission without JAMB, with some of the methods I have highlighted here, but not without your O’ level result.
All the methods of gaining admission without JAMB, requires you to first have your O’ level result.
This tells you how important it is, it is the only thing that truly certifies you as no longer being a secondary school student but O’ level.
The minimum grade that shows that you have passed a course in WAEC is C6, anything less than that (D7, E8 or F9) is considered as fail, you can go through WAEC grading system I have provided you with below, at your convenience…

A1 | Excellent | 75% – 100% |
B2 | Very good | 70% – 74% |
B3 | Good | 65%- 69% |
C4 | Credit | 60% – 64% |
C5 | Credit | 55% – 59% |
C6 | Credit | 50% – 54% |
D7 | Pass | 45% – 49% |
E8 | Pass | 40% – 45% |
F9 | Fail | 0% – 44% |
Now that we know that D7, E8 and F9 are considered as fail by Universities and other tertiary institutions, this now begs the question
What are the Solutions to D7, E8 or F9 On A Required Subject In WAEC?
In Today’s Episode of my “Admission Guide Series” I will guide you through possible steps you can take to resolve D7, E8, or F9 in a required Subject WAEC. Come on, No need to thank me, what are friends for ?
Solutions To D7, E8 or F9 On A Required Subject In WAEC

There are not so many options for students currently in this category with Pass (D7 or E8) or Fail (F9) in WAEC, that is why I am here to help you streamline your Options.
If you had D7, E8 or F9 on a required subject in WAEC then there are few options you can try, these options includes…
- Apply for Change of Course to a more suitable one
- Enroll for WAEC GCE
- Register for other WAEC alternative (NECO and NABTEB or their respective alternative)
- Combine WAEC with other O’ level result
I will discuss on each of the steps I have highlighted above, sit back and Enjoy!!!
Read Also: When Is WAEC 2023/2024 Starting? & Timetable
1. Apply for Change of Course To A More Suitable One

If you have been following DrugSavant student update, you will know by now that, the O’ level requirement for all course are not the same.
So if the courses are not the same, how does this solve my D7, E8 or F9 in a required subject in WAEC?
Good question, you see, since the O’ level requirement for all courses are not same, by simply applying for JAMB Change of course, or changing the course you initially intended to study, to a course that would accommodate D7, E8 or F9 in the subject you have issues with, you will have no reason to sit for another WAEC.
Sticking with this option, of course, have its disadvantage; You may not get to study the course you have always longed for
But if the D7, E8 or F9 is in Mathematics or English, then this method would not yield any result, you will have to resort to option 2, 3 or 4.
2. Enroll for WAEC GCE
If you had D7, E8 or F9 On A Required Subject In WAEC, and that required subject happen to be Mathematics or English Language, then option 1 no longer becomes suitable, the next best thing to try is WAEC GCE.
The West Africa and Examination Board, WAEC, aside from WASSCE also conducts exam for Private candidates, and this is what we normally call WAEC GCE. GCE is an acronym for General certificate Exam.
If you participate in GCE and Ace your paper, the certificate is equivalent (the same) with other O’ level Exam.
You can read my guide on How To Prepare and Pass WAEC 2023 Exam.
3. Register for other WAEC alternative
The other sure alternative would be to register for other WAEC alternative, that is if the sales of form for these exams is still on, since WAEC is not the only acceptable O’ level result used for admission processing.
Your best bet would be to register for either NECO or NABTEB, with effective preparation you should outperform what you did in WAEC, Trust me when I say so.
4. Combine WAEC with other O’ level result
Students with D7, E8 or F9 On A Required Subject In WAEC but were lucky to have passed same subject in other O’ level Exam that they wrote before now, can easily combine both result for admission.
How Do Combination of O’ level Result Work?
To be able to combine result for admission, you must have passed the subject you failed in one O’ level exam in the other.
Lets take a student who sat for both WAEC and NECO for example, if the student happen to fail mathematics in WAEC but passed same Mathematics in NECO, the student can easily use the Maths he or she passed in NECO to augment for the failed maths in WAEC.
Luckily for you also, literally all courses in Nigeria accept combining of O’ level results.
With these four (4) options, I hope you would make the best decision.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is WAEC Official Website?
You can access WAEC Official website for Nigeria @www.waecnigeria.org/
WAEC Website To Check Result?
WAEC Website to Check your result can be accessed @www.waecdirect.org/
Is D7 good in WAEC result
D7 is not a good grade in WAEC, the minimum grade that is regarded as pass in WAEC is C6, any grade lesser than that cannot be considered good.
Is E8 good in WAEC result
E8 cannot be considered as a good grade in WAEC, the minimum grade that is regarded as pass in WAEC is C6, any grade lesser than that cannot be considered good.
Is F9 good in WAEC result
F9 is not a good grade in WAEC, the minimum grade that is regarded as pass in WAEC is C6, any grade lesser than that cannot be considered good.
Can I gain admission with E8 in mathematics?
NO, you cannot gain admission with E8 in Mathematics, because mathematics is one of the two compulsory subjects all students are expected to pass whether Science, Social Science or Art before considered for admission into any University in Nigeria.
But try the tips I have shown to you here can work something out for you.
In Conclusion
D7, E8 or F9 On A Required Subject like Mathematics and English In WAEC can only be solve by either applying for change of Course to a more suitable one, Enrolling for WAEC GCE, Registering for other WAEC alternative (NECO and NABTEB or their respective alternative) or lastly Combine WAEC with other O’ level result.
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I understand you may have a question or two😊, do not hesitate to drop them here using the comment box below
I have C5 in english B3 in mathematics C5 in biology D7 in chemistry and C5 in physics can i get admission into uniport
Depending on the course you want to apply for
With this can I study elect elect ?
Yes Samson
Thanks alot I was so scared asf I thought I’ll have to do waec all over again 🥺😢
Please will federal university of technology ikot abasi accept d7 in physics
To study what course?
I got b3in agric b3 in economics b3 in chemistry b3 in marketing b3 in biology . C4 in physics a1 in maths a1 in Civic and d7 in English can I get admission into the university to study chemical engineering
You require at least C6 in English for admission
Please I need your help I have D7 in English how can I get admission in the university and I want to study chemical engineering
I have c6 in English, B3 in mathematics,D7 in commerce, B2 in accoumting, c6 in government, and Absence in Economic. Can I use it to study business administration in University?
Hey Idoko, Economics is an O’ level requirement to study Business Administration in Nigeria, you may have to sit for another O’level to get all the core subjects you will not need to study Business Administration.
Sir I had B3 in mathematics, C6 in English,
E8 in Literature, A1 in civic, E8 in Government, C6 in Biology.
What course can I study?
Pls I have crs E8 English c6 government B3 maths B3 biology c5 economics E8 literature D7 civil B3
Sir I had B3 in mathematics, C6 in English, E8 in literature, A1 in civic, E8 in Government, C6 in Biology. What course can I study?
please sir I got d7 in literature in English and D7 in marketing so can I still get admission for law?
Provided you have a social science subject you can use as a substitute.
Here is a guide to that effect👇
Please I got e8 in English and f9 in maths my literature was cancelled,can I get admission into unn to study sociology
Unfortunately David, English and Mathematics are core subjects for all courses in Nigeria, for this reason you must get at C6 in any of the O’level examination in these two subjects to be able to proceed further.
You can follow the tips highlighted in this post.
Good evening sir, am 47yrs old adult want to continue my education but I have 4 credits Maths 2,Eng.5, commerce 2, Govt.6, Ecns.7, & Lit.7. What should I do.
Good Day Perpetua
Depending on the Course you want to further in, you can enroll for any of the O’level GCE to help complete your five (5) core subjects.
Currently, NABTEB GCE registration is on.
Pls sir i got
Mathematics E8
Biology B2
Chemistry C6
Physic C6.
What science courses can I study pls sir
Hey Desmond,
Unfortunately, O’level Mathematics is a prerequisite for science courses in Nigerian Universities.
You can use JAMB eligibility checker</strong>, to check your other available options.
Sir I have d7 in geography and I want to study survey and geo informatics
I got E8 in government and d7 in agric can I use that to study banking and finance
Hey Evi, Government is a relevant subject for Banking and finance but it is not compulsory, I would recommend you read my post on “Waec and Jamb subject combination for banking and finance.
One more thing, you can check your eligibility status for any course using Jamb eligibility Status checker @https://drugsavant.com/jamb-ibass-eligibility-checker/
I had c6 in maths
C6 in English
B3 in Social Studies
D7 in Science
Business Management c4
Financial Accounting b3
Elective Maths b3
Cost Accounting b2
Please I’m asking whether I can apply for banking and finance or Bsc accounting at the university or not
What O’ level Exam did you sit for these subjects Eric?
I asked because of the subjects you listed here…
D7 in science, I would need you to specify the science subject and review other subject listed 👆.
Meanwhile, the results supplied looks good, as you do not need any science subject to study financial accounting and you had a minimum of C6 in Maths and English (which is a perquisite for most courses)
Which means I’m qualified to the university to study my course right
Please I have c6 in English
B3 in maths
social studies D7
French B3
CRS c4 and
government e8
Can I gain admission to Any the universities in ghana to read French degree
Hey Joseph, not too familiar with Ghana University’s O’ level requirements, but since you passed the core subjects for French (English, Mathematics and French) you should be fine.
Read more @Waec and Jamb Subject Combination to Study French
Sir I got b3 in maths ND I got d7 in engish and I don’t know if I may go to university of nasarawa kefi as a commerical stundent
Hey Samuel, English language is a compulsory O’level subject for all course, and getting d7 is not accepted for core course, you will have to enrol another O’level exam to fix this