Requirements for Direct Entry JAMB: what are the requirements and documents needed for JAMB direct entry, JAMB direct entry requirements, when is the deadline to register for JAMB direct entry (DE)
Hey SAVANT! in this episode of ‘JAMB Doctor Series‘ you will see all the documents required for Direct Entry registration, closing date for sale of form and process for registration… STAY TUNED!

Registration Start Date | 28th February, 2024 |
Registration Deadline🕰️ | Thursday, 28th March, 2024 |
Don’t worry, I will try to make this write-up as fun as possible, all you have to do from your end is take a glass of water and read on diligently… ENJOY🥂
Before we talk about requirements for DE JAMB Registration, make sure you have checked your eligibility status for the course and Institution you wish to study in.
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JAMB Direct Entry Requirements

In addition to a minimum of five (5) O’ level credit passes at not more than two sittings, at least two prescribed subjects for each programme (proposed course of study) must be at the Principal or Advanced level.
Other acceptable qualifications in lieu of A’LEVELs are:
- University Degree
- Cambridge A’level, Internaonal Baccalaureate (foreign cerficates only)
- National Registered Nurse/National Registered Midwife (NRN/NRM).
At the point of registration, all DE candidates must provide the following information:
- Registration/Matriculation Number of the previous school attended where the qualification was obtained
- Subject(s) of qualification
- Awarding Institution
- Institution actually attended
- Year of graduation
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Other Vital DE Registration And Admission Rule
- DE candidates, who are not awaing results, must have uploaded their A’ level qualification, O’level results and DE Registration Template at the point of registration.
- DE candidates, will not be processed for admission until such claimed results are uploaded and verified by the awarding institutions on JAMB platform (CAPS MAIL)
- DE candidates, who are awating A’level results of IJMB/JUPEB/NABTEB, must have uploaded their Admission Letter and Registration Template at the point of registration.
- Applicants with Cambridge certificates of pre-2018 examination year should visit Cambridge directly for verification. This verification exercise may take up to 28 days (as specified by the awarding body) after which the verification result will be forwarded to the Board. The verification will be reflected in the e-Facility profile of the DE candidate.
- Statement of results (in lieu of certificate) is accepted for registration only within 3 years of the date of award.
- Upgrade from UTME to DE is available only to candidates, whose DE results have not been released at the point of UTME registration and who must have indicated at the point of registration that he/she is awaiting A’level results. The particulars of which he/she must have supplied and contained in the uploaded registration template
- Candidates are hereby advised to constantly check their A’ level admission status in their e-facility profile, where it will show the status of verification by NIPEDS indicang “CLEARED” or NOT “CLEARED’’ with the reason(s) for non-clearance due to discrepancies such as in name, grade, subject etc., which will be explicitly stated.
Read Also: How To Check JAMB Transfer Approval On CAPS
In Conclusion
Students with the above DE requirements are to proceed to JAMB office nearest to them to kick start their registration.
You will not allowed to register more than once, in case of error, seek correction from the Board.
This will be all for now, I understand you may have a question or two to ask, feel free to drop them using the comment box below!
Ensure to share this with friends on Facebook, Whatsapp, or any other social media network you can connect them with…
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