How To Pass WAEC & NECO Examination: How can I effectively prepare for the upcoming WAEC and NECO O’ level exam?, Is WAEC and NECO difficult to pass?
Hey SAVANT!, welcome to today’s episode of my “O’ level toolkit series“, here I will provide answers to these and other related questions.

At the end of this blog post, you will be fully equipped with the tools required to Ace your WAEC & NECO, all you have to do now is to take your time to read through diligently for details. STAY TUNED!
Are you an aspiring student with interest to study Pharmacy, Medicine Nursing or any other course in any institution in Nigeria?, I’m pretty sure by now you know you cannot study any of these courses you love without first having your O’ level result (WAEC, NECO and NABTEB) and JAMB.
Read Also: WAEC Marking Scheme For All subjects: Grading System
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With this in mind, having your O’ level result is not enough you need to make sure your O’ level result is endowed with good grades.
But I taught what is important in my WAEC and NECO Result is to score at least credits in all my core subjects, since when doing having a good grade matter?🤷
Good question, you see, because most schools do not directly use O’level result but your JAMB and Post UTME to compute your total aggregate score, most student don’t see the need to work hard in WAEC
But the truth is, not all schools use Post UTME and JAMB, there are Universities that do not write Post UTME, these schools that do not write Post UTME will most likely be using your O’ level grade to calculate your aggregate score…
…and if for any reason your O’ level result is not as beautiful as they hoped it would, then you may likely loose the admission, take for example Ambrose Alli Univeristy (AAU), this university do not conduct Post UTME, instead use O’ level result to calculate aggregate.
Haven understood why we should Ace our papers in WAEC, NECO and NABTEB, the next big question is then “How Can I Pass WAEC Without Stress“, of course, no body like stress😎
This you will learn shortly…
…I know you must have overheard some student say, NECO is more difficult than WAEC or vice versa. But the truth is that, none is more difficult than the other.
The reality is, your preparation would determine if you will wow the Exam or you would be wowed by it, if you get what am saying.
Remember, nothing is actually difficult if you put your mind to it. Lets get to the good stuff.
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How To Pass WAEC & NECO Exam

Below you will find 10 golden rules that must be followed diligently to assure you success in the upcoming WAEC/NECO Exam. These tips are tested and trusted, certainly they would boost up your chances of Acing your papers.
Did I just hear a thank you?, common, we have not even started yet, moreover what are friends for?, lol
The Golden Rules you need to obey in order To Effectively Prepare & Pass WAEC and NECO are…
- Study like your life depends on it (S factor)
- USE YouTube tutorial
- Cut Distractions
- Study Smart
- Use Past Questions And Syllabus
- Form Study groups
- Stay Calm
- Work on your Study Time table
- Don’t Cram
- G factor
Yea, fine, I agree that they all sound mysterious, I will demystify them shortly. ENJOY!
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1. Study like your life depends on It (S factor)

There are two key factors you must know…
- God Factor (G factor)
- Study Factor (S factor)
I prefer to shorten them as the G-S factors, without these two factors sitting for NECO exam would be a complete fiasco.
I will talk about the G factor later, for now the study factor takes the stage.
The truth is, most student fail their WAEC and NECO exam simply because they were too lazy to read. Now, let me ask you, how many hours do you spend studying daily?
If you don’t spend “at least” three (3) hours reading daily, then you are not yet ready to sit for your O’ level exams. Observing closely, I said at least 3 hours, meaning you should, if possible spend more than that time reading.
If you have been good with this before now, then its time to do better, there is always a room for better performance.
One of the many benefit of reading effectively for an Exam especially examinations like WAEC and NECO is that it boost your self confidence and independency.
If your not reading is due to lack of motivation, then find those things that motivates you and engage in them, it could be friends, the thought of failing e.t.c and channel it towards building a good study habit.
2. USE YouTube tutorial to pass Waec or NECO

Certainly, there would be topics you find hard to grasp, do not hesitate to ask friends or tutors who may have a better understanding of that topic…
Remember, no man is an Island, you can lookup tutorials on YouTube, there are loads of tutorial channels like DrugSavant Tutors, that are ready to guide you on topics you may find difficult.
Soon, I will be creating a forum hosted on this blog where you can ask questions and get response from colleagues in other schools… All you have to do is follow us on our Social media channels so you can get the update whenever it is ready.
3. Cut Off Distractions
Before I talk more on distraction, we need to first understand what distraction actually is.
According Oxford Advanced learners dictionary, distractions are a things that prevents someone from concentrating on something else.
From this definition, you would agree with me that the following can be a distraction to you on your voyage of preparing for the upcoming WAEC & NECO exams.
- Your Phone
- TV (Favourite TV shows and series)
- Friends e.t.c
Your ability to do away with these things will boost your chances of excelling in your NECO and WAEC 2024 Exam.
Read Also: How Many Subjects Are Written In WAEC, NECO And NABTEB
4. Study Smart

Studying Smart is different from studying hard, you can study hard but still end up not studying smart (you must know the difference)
Some students are fond of reading materials and textbooks that are not inline with the Examination they are preparing for (In this case, O’ level exams and JAMB), you must stop this if you are among this category of persons.
Always make sure your reading is directed and constructive, else you may just be wasting your time. If possible use recommend textbooks for your study and ask your predecessors for tips and guide that worked for them.
5. Use Past Questions And Syllabus
This can also be categorized under studying smart, the importance of using Past questions and Syllabus for your preparation cannot be overemphasized.
Most of these examination bodies do not have the time to start setting new questions, what they simply do is to fall back to their question bank and source questions out from the there.
Now, what do you think their question bank is, that is the past question that is on your table but you refused to open…
All you have to do is, after reading, revise as many previous years you can and familiarize yourself with the part with which they set their questions.
By consistently looking and studying Past questions you will begin to see a pattern with which these Exam bodies set their Questions, therefore making your reading directed and constructive.
Syllabus also are key navigations for student, they help guide your reading, telling you integral topics to focus on. Questions would only be asked from topics in your syllabus. But the thing is, the Syllabus normally contains all the topics you have been taught right from your SS1 to your Finals (SS3).
What this implies is that, if you must pass WAEC or NECO you must be conversant with all the works you have done right from the onset of your Secondary school journey.
6. Form Study groups
Study groups are also very important, if possible find friends of like minds and form study groups where you can teach and ask yourself questions. This will help you easily remember what you have read and ensuring your success in the upcoming WAEC/NECO Exam.
7. Stay Calm
Don’t be anxious, work on your confidence, get your writing materials ready prior to each paper.
The truth is anxiety solves no problem, what is the essence of being anxious when it won’t help you answer the questions, be calm, take a deep breath (breath in and breath out), you will think better and easily remember the materials you have read when calm than when anxious.
For goodness sake, this is not the first Exam you will be writing neither will it be the last, to Pass WAEC and NECO you must be in total control of your wit.
8. Work on your Study Time table
Creating a timetable for yourself will be of great help, but you have to be faithful and set important goals alongside.
Of course it would be hypocritical to thick we can Pass WAEC or ace your NECO papers by just creating a study timetable without following it through piously. Create a working timetable and follow it up judiciously.
Cramming can cost you a lot in a long run, that’s why I won’t advice you cram any time any day.
But there is only one sure way of avoiding cramming, it is simply by constant reading, just the way you can’t forget your name simply because you have heard it countlessly, same way you won’t forget or need to cram what you have read or see every time.
10. G Factor
Pray fervently, and continuously because one with God is majority…
Hope these tips helps you with your forthcoming exams
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
Here, I will attempt some of the frequently asked question on WAEC and NECO.
Is WAEC and NECO Difficult to PASS?
Student who judiciously follow the aforementioned tips won’t have a hard time acing their Waec and Neco papers.
When will WAEC and NECO result be released?
Waec and Neco normally release their result 2-3 months after the exam, so if the exam is to start, let’s say May, then the results should be expected to be released in August.
More on this have been explained in one of my other episode titled; When JAMB Result will be Released
When will WAEC and NECO result be released?
Waec and Neco normally release their result 2-3 months after the exam, so if the exam is to start, let’s say May, then the results should be expected to be released in August.
Between Waec And Neco Which Is More Difficult?
WAEC is not more difficult than NECO, neither is NECO more difficult than WAEC.
Both Exams are equally demanding, so if you want to pass WAEC or NECO you have to do the work, although with this tip you should have NO trouble with your preparation.
In summary
If you must pass WAEC and NECO then you must be ready to do the following…
- Study like your life depends on it
- Use Tutorials for topics you don’t understand
- Cut distractions
- Study Smart
- Use Past questions and Syllabus
- Form Study groups
- Stay Calm
- Create a Working timetable
- Don’t Cram
- God Factor
If you follow these to the later, then you will have no trouble Acing your papers…
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This will be all for now, I understand you may have a question or two to ask, feel free to drop them using the comment box below!
Ensure to share this with your friends on Facebook, Whatsapp, or any other social media network you can connect them with…
Related Searches a. neco syllabus 2024 b. how to pass waec and neco c. neco exam date 2024 d. is gce harder than waec