JAMB Recommended Economics Textbooks: What are the JAMB Recommended Textbooks for Economics?, What topics should I focus on, In JAMB Economics?, Economics textbook pdf download, Economics textbook for secondary school pdf
Do you find yourself searching for some of the best Economics textbooks you can use in your 2024/2025 JAMB preparation? then you are definitely reading the article.

In Today’s Episode of my “JAMB Doctor Series” I will provide you with the list of “JAMB recommended Economics textbooks” and where you can download a free pdf version for them, so you can start your JAMB preparation proper.
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What Is JAMB Recommended Textbooks

JAMB Recommended Textbooks are simply, a collection of textbooks written by authority authors in their various field, in such a way that JAMB believes students (JAMBite) would get the most out of a particular topic when these textbooks are used.
This means, if you have been having issues studying any course you will be sitting for in JAMB, which in this case is Economics, you can try out any of the textbooks recommended by JAMB .
These JAMB recommended Textbooks explain the topics in such a way that even a layman who is not to conversant with Economics would understand, and even give you examples and standard practice questions.
Interesting right?
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Why Use JAMB Recommended Textbooks For Economics?
There are so many reasons why you should use JAMB recommended textbooks for Economics over those not recommended by JAMB, some of these reasons include…
1. These Textbooks covers all the topics on JAMB Economics Syllabus
Not all Economics textbooks contains all the topics JAMB recommend you study before sitting for JAMB Exam, all the topics you are required to cover are listed in JAMB syllabus.
But with using these textbooks from JAMB, you can be rest assured that all the topics you need to read about are covered in it and explained in details.
2. JAMB Lifts some questions from these Textbooks
YES, not all questions asked in JAMB are freshly prepared, some if not most of these questions where lifted from already prepared source, of which these recommended textbooks is one of.
So by studying these textbooks, you are indirectly answering potential JAMB questions.
I guess with these two reasons, you now see reasons why you should get one of the JAMB recommended Economics Textbooks and start reading.
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JAMB Recommended Economics Textbooks
Below are the best JAMB Recommended Economics textbooks for JAMBites… ENJOY!!!

1. | Aderinto, A.A et al (1996) Economics: Exam Focus, Ibadan: University Press Plc. |
2. | Black, J. (1997) Oxford Dictionary of Economics. Oxford: Oxford University Press |
3. | Eyiyere, D.O. (1980) Economics Made Easy, Benin City, Quality Publishers Ltd. |
4. | Fajana, F et al (1999) Countdown to SSCE/JME Economics Ibadan: Evans |
5. | Falodun, A.B. et al (1997) Round-up Economics, Lagos: Longman |
6. | Kountsoyiannis, A. (1979) Modern Microeconomics, London: Macmillan |
7. | Lipsey, R.G. (1997) An Introduction to Positive Economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
8. | Samuelson, P and Nordhaus, W. (1989) Economics, Singapore: McGraw-Hill |
9. | Udu E and Agu G.A. (2005) New System Economics: a Senior Secondary Course, Ibadan: Africana FIRST Publishers Ltd. |
10. | Wannacott and Wannacott (1979) Economics, New York: McGraw-Hill. |
11. | Brownson-oton Richard (2010) What is Micro-Economics? Niky Printing and Publishing coy. |
How To Download JAMB Economics Textbooks (PDF) for free
For those who may want to download some of these textbooks instead, you can check if they are available on the free pdf download website @pdfdrive.com
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What about simplified and amplified economics by Femi Longe
Only those listed here are recommended by JAMB, it does not make others any less important or useful for your preparation