How To Reprint JAMB Slip 2024/2025: how to reprint JAMB slip without email address? how to reprint JAMB indemnity form? how to reprint JAMB slip, How can I do JAMB reprinting myself without going to a cyber cafe using my phone?
Hey SAVANT!, welcome to today’s episode of my “JAMB Doctor Series” here you will learn the right steps to take when you want to reprint your JAMB Slip after registration so you can know your exact JAMB exam date, Venue and time… STAY TUNED!

After JAMB, for those not sitting for the Mock Exam the next thing is to reprint Reprint JAMB Registration Slip. Did you indicated interest to write JAMB Mock during your JAMB registration? then you should check out my guide on JAMB Mock Exam
If you recall correctly, after you completed your 2024/2025 JAMB registration, you were not told the fixed date for your exam, also till now I’m pretty sure you have no idea of the exact date you will sit for your JAMB exam.
Read Also: How To Pass JAMB 2024/2025 With High Score (300+)
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The only information you have now is that, JAMB is to begin Saturday, 29th April 2024 and the exam will last for a week, but the exact day (Monday, Tuesday through to Saturday) you can’t tell.
That is where JAMB Reprinting comes in, Reprinting your JAMB registration slip will help answer the questions Where and when your JAMB exam will be, at the end of this post, you should be well grounded with how to reprint JAMB slip, and mind you…
…You don’t have to go to any JAMB CBT center to try these steps out, you can follow this guide using your mobile phone or personal computer. Did you just say thanks?, come on, what are friends for? all you have to do is read through diligently for details… ENJOY!
Read Also: How To Allow PopUps For JAMB On Your Browser 2024/2025
What Is JAMB Reprinting?

JAMB Reprinting is the process where student who registered for JAMB reprint their registration slip in a bid to know or confirm their JAMB Examination Date, Center and exam schedule.
It is on this reprinted slip you will be able to know your exact JAMB date, Exam center and Schedule, it is important you do this at least two (2) days before the exam kick starts so you will be sure of when you will be sitting for yours
Is JAMB reprint out?
No, JAMB reprinting of Registration slip has not started yet.
What this means is that you will not be able to confirm your center and exact exam date for now.
When Is JAMB reprinting Date?
The Date to Reprint is usually a week before the main JAMB Exam, so reprinting is expected to start 10th of April, 2024.
Checking for your exam date prior to this date will not yield any result.
Caveat💡 Ensure to allow pop-ups using your chrome browser before following this guide
How To Reprint JAMB Slip
The steps on how to check your JAMB center and date of examination is shown below 👇

With this method you don’t necessarily have to use you email, you can use the SIM you used for your Phone number or registration number instead…
By following this step by step guide, you will be able to check your JAMB center and exam date for 2024 UTME exam
Estimated time 2 minutes
Visit JAMB Reprinting Portal
Go to JAMB reprint checker page using a suitable browser like google chrome or Safari
Enter Your Reg Number or Email address or GSM Number
On the JAMB reprint page, enter your registration number, email address or Phone number (this phone number or email address must be what you used to register for JAMB)
Click on Print Examination Slip
After filling the required box with either your JAMB registration number, Email address or phone number you can then click on the “Print Examination slip“
And voila, your JAMB examination date, center and time will be shown to you on the next page.
Make sure, your browser is allowed to show pop up, else the popped slip will be hidden.
Right Click on The Screen and Click on the “Save as” Option
Once your slip shows on the screen, right click the screen and click on the Save as button, here you should save as a webpage, which you can now send to your phone and print out using a printer at any cyber cafe.
You can also check your Exam date and time through email, but if you don’t get an email from JAMB notifying you of your Exam schedule, then you can follow through the guide above.
How To Reprint JAMB Slip Through Mail

To check for this simply;
- Locate your Mail service app on your android or Iphone device
- Check for JAMB Mail sent to you, if not found in the inbox, check your Spam folder.
- If found, go to any cyber cafe to print it out.
Do note that; you will be required to show this reprinted slip to your examination center when you get there.
How To Reprint JAMB Mop-up Exam slip

To reprint your JAMB Mop-up examination slip for 2023/2024 follow the steps below…
- Visit JAMB MOP-UP reprint portal @
- Enter your registration number or Phone number in the appropriate field
- click on the “Print Mop-up Examination slip” button, as shown in the image above
Do note that, not all students are eligible to sit for this Mop-up exam.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Much To Reprint JAMB Slip?
JAMB Reprinting is free of charge, that is, you don’s have to pay a dime to do this. But if you are not doing this yourself, then where you do it will charge you a token of about N300
When Is the Deadline To Reprint JAMB slip?
There is no fixed deadline for JAMB reprinting.
But since JAMB 2023 exam date is 29th of April, all reprinting should be done before this date so you don’t miss out on your Exam date.
Where Can I Reprint JAMB Slip?
You can do the reprinting anywhere, form the comfort of your home to any cyber-cafe or JAMB registration center you want, but to get the hard copy, you will have to print it out.
In Conclusion
JAMB reprinting has not officially started, once the portal is live, you will be able to reprint your JAMB registration slip by visiting JAMB reprinting Portal or checking your Email address.
Read Also: How To Check Admission Status On JAMB & School Portal
This will be all for now😊, I understand you may have a question or two to ask, feel free to drop them using the comment box below!
How can I do that
How can I see my jamb center slip
Follow the step by step guide highlighted in this post
I’m sagiru sani aliyu from Dan hassan kofar yamma i need to out exam slip in this website
You can reprint your slip following the guideline highlighted here