JAMB Regularization (Late application 2024/2025): Is JAMB Regularization Compulsory for Students?, Who needs to do JAMB Regularisation?, How Long will late application (JAMB regularisation) take?
Hey SAVANT! In today’s episode of my “JAMB Doctor Series” I will show you everything you need to know about JAMB regularization process, how to go about it, how much it will cost you etc, pretty cool right? STAY TUNED!

JAMB is in charge of all tertiary education admission, and as such, all admission to any University, Polytechnic or College of Education, whether Public or Private is regulated by JAMB, but then…
we know that it is also possible for students to get admission into any school they want with passing through JAMB.
Read Also: Universities That Gives Admission Without JAMB 2024/2025
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If JAMB actually regulates all admission offered to students, what then happen to students that were granted admission, but the admission did not pass through JAMB??♀️
Good Question, students under this category, that is, students that gained admission through IJMB (Interim Joint Matriculation Board), JUPEB (Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board), Part time, pre-degree program e.t.c will have to do what we call LATE APPLICATION, otherwise known as JAMB REGULARIZATION.
So yes, the admission was not through JAMB, but when push comes to shove, JAMB still have to regularize the admission, else you will not be able to enjoy some benefits such as; Print JAMB admission letter (a vital document for clearance), Apply for NYSC and lots more.
Enough with the chit chat, let’s get into the discussion proper.
What Is JAMB Regularization?

The Word “Regularization” according to Word web is ‘The act of bringing to uniformity; making regular’, with respect to admission processing, JAMB Regularization/late Application is the process whereby JAMB officially recognize the admission offered to a student that was not initially processed by board
By so doing, the student get issued JAMB Registration Number and can also now pay and print JAMB Admission letter.
Who Is Eligible For JAMB Regularization?
JAMB regularization is definitely not for all students, to be eligible for JAMB late application (Regularisation) you must be in any of the category below;
1. Students Whose Admission Is through direct entry (JUPEB, IJMB);
for these students, they will have to first register with JAMB, so even when they will not necessarily sit for any Exam, it is expedient that their details is first submitted to JAMB.
2. Part-Time Student
Admission to part-time program do not require JAMB processing or result, this is locally carried out by the school (University or Polytechnic) and as such, when the time is right you will have to regularize the admission offered to you with JAMB.
It is only through Regularization can go for NYSC as a Part Time student, so if you don’t do JAMB late Application, you will encounter difficulty when processing for NYSC.
The next category of students that need to apply for JAMB Regularization are…
3. HND Students
After successfully completing your two (2) years of ND in any polytechnic, the next course of action for most student is to apply for HND, and for your HND admission to be recognized by JAMB, you must first do JAMB Regularization…
…although some schools may require you do this after completion of your HND program, others may prefer doing this prior to your admission.
4. Those Offered Admission To A Different Course In JAMB
If the course you were admitted into was not what you filled when registering for JAMB, then you will need to also apply for JAMB LATE APPLICATION, but this is only applicable to student who gained admission from 2017 downwards, from 2018 upward, all you have to do is to apply for JAMB change of Course.
I guess with this, you can now tell if you fall under the category of students that need to do JAMB Regularization, well, if you did, then you can follow the guide below on the right steps to take to get this done…
How Much To Do JAMB Regularization?
Students with JAMB Reg Number will pay FIVE THOUSAND NAIRA (NGN5000), while student without JAMB reg Number (that is, students that did not get admission same year they registered for JAMB) will pay Ten thousand Naira (NGN10,000).
What Are The Requirements For JAMB Regularization?

If you wish process JAMB late Application (Regularization), then you must have the following;
- JAMB Registration Number (For those who gained admission the year they registered for JAMB but the admission was not through JAMB).
- Five thousand Naira (NGN5,000) for students with JAMB registration Number, Ten Thousand Naira (NGN10000) for Students without JAMB Registration Number.
- O’ Level Result (WAEC/NECO/NABTEB)
- Student’s Personal Information such as, Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Marital Status, Email Address, Phone Number e.t.c (Make sure these information are correct before proceeding)
- Student’s Admission/School Information (Course admitted into, School of Admission, Head Of Institution, Registrar, Matriculation Number, Matriculation Year, Graduation List)
- Your JAMB Result (Only if you sat for JAMB in the Year of the Admission)
Now that we know the requirements to process JAMB late Application, let’s now discuss how you can go about the process.
Read Also: Differences Between JAMB CAPS And School Admission
How To Do JAMB Regularization
There are two ways you can do JAMB Regularization for NYSC, HND or Direct Entry, they include…
- JAMB Regularization Processed At JAMB Office (Recommended)
- JAMB Late Application By Student’s through the Student’s Online Portal
Option 2, which is JAMB Late Application through Student’s Online Portal is not functional, JAMB Regularization can only be done at JAMB Offices for now.
JAMB Regularization Processed At JAMB Office
If you have the requirements I mentioned Earlier, you can proceed with the following steps to get this done;
- Visit any Of JAMB Offices Closest to You (You can find list of JAMB offices in Nigeria here)
- Go with all your necessary information and the Requirements highlighted here
- When you get to JAMB Office, tell them why you are there, you will be assigned an official that will attend to you (If you wrote JAMB in the year of admission, the JAMB registration number on your result slip will be used to regularize your admission)
- Next, make payment
- Your regularization process will be initiated by the JAMB official, once your information are confirmed your indemnity form will be printed and given to you.
- Fill the Indemnity form appropriately and take it to the school where you were offered admission
- Your School will be responsible for submission of the approved form to the JAMB state office.
- Once JAMB receives your approved form, it will be uploaded to your JAMB profile
- A notification will be sent to you via Mail when this is done
- JAMB will now process your application. If Approved, your details will be changed as requested.
Aside processing your JAMB late application at an approved CBT center, you can also do this yourself through JAMB Student’s Portal, but this option is only limited to Students with JAMB Registration Number.
If you Registered JAMB the Year of your Admission, then you also have this option.
Read Also: How To Check JAMB Regularization Status 2024/2025 (All You Need To Know)
2. JAMB Late Application Through Student’s Online Portal

At the time this post was Updated, this option was no longer available, would notify you if this is active again.
- First, Login to your JAMB profile @efacility.jamb.gov.ng/Login
- Select “Condonement of Illegal Admission“. This is available on the side bar
- Once selected, the menu item “Condonement (with Registration Number) and Condonement (without Registration Number)” will be revealed. Click on “with Registration number”.
- Once you select this service, a Transaction ID is generated for this service. This will be displayed on the confirmation page screen.
- Review the details displayed on the Confirmation Page. Also, note the Transaction ID displayed in a bold red font. The Transaction ID is useful for all future references concerning the Transaction. A copy of this transaction ID will be sent to your registered email address.
- Click on the Continue button if you wish to pay with your card immediately. If you wish to use other payment channels like ATM, Cash at the Bank or Quickteller, please note the transaction ID as it will be required.
- On the Interswitch Payment page, enter your card details and click on the Pay button.
- The status of your payment will be displayed on the “My Payment Section” An SMS and email containing your unique Transaction Identification and payment status will be sent to you after payment. Click on the Continue button.
- Once payment is completed, you will be asked to provide the following:
- Year of Exam and
- JAMB Registration Number
- After entering the information correctly, the application form will be displayed. You are to fill the application form online. Take note of mandatory fields.
- Click Submit to complete your application
- After submission, an Indemnity Form will be displayed for printing.
- This is to be filled and taken to your institution for Approval.
- Your institution will be responsible for submission of the approved form to the JAMB state office.
- Once received, the Approved form will be uploaded to your profile. You will receive a notification when this is done.
- JAMB will now process your application. If Approved, your details will be changed as requested.
And that is all.
Now that we have applied for JAMB Regularization the next big question is, how do we know if the Application was approved?
How To check JAMB Regularization Approval Status?

You can check JAMB Regularization Approval Status by checking for approval mail on your Email or by checking your JAMB Admission Status following the steps below…
- Login to JAMB Portal @efacility.jamb.gov.ng/Login with your Correct Email and Password
- Once logged in, Locate the check admission Status and click on it
- Select your Exam Year and Enter your JAMB Registration Number
- Finally, click on ‘Check Admission Status‘ to check your JAMB admission status.
If your course of study shows, it means your JAMB Late Application was approved by JAMB, you can then proceed to print your JAMB admission letter.
Read Also: How To Print JAMB Admission Letter 2024/2025 Yourself (All Years)
If your admission status did not change, keep checking your email/admission status.
This is the lot I can take on this topic, I will now attempt to answer some frequently asked questions on tis topic… STAY TUNED!
Is JAMB Regularization Compulsory?
Yes, JAMB Regularization is compulsory for students whose admission was not through JAMB, because without it, you cannot process your NYSC application and print JAMB admission letter.
How Long Does It Take JAMB To Approve Regularization?
Typically, this process is completed within 24 hours after your stamped indemnity form has been received by JAMB.
Is JAMB Regularization Ongoing?
Yes, JAMB late application is currently ongoing, and as such if you want to process your Regularization for JAMB, you can follow the detailed guide shown to you here.
Is JAMB Still Doing JAMB Regularization
Yes, Regularization in JAMB is a Year in Year Out exercise, which means there is no deadline to do your JAMB Regularization.
Key Takeaways
You can regularization your admission with JAMB at any JAMB Office closest to you, students without JAMB registration number will pay higher than those who gained admission in the year of their JAMB registration.
This will be all for now, I understand you may have a question or two to ask, feel free to drop them using the comment box below!
Ensure to share this with friends on Facebook, Whatsapp, or any other social media network you can connect them with…
Related Searches... a. jamb regularization admission letter b. jamb regularisation list c. jamb regularization portal 2024 d. jamb regularization news
Good day sir, pls I have a question to ask about DIRECT ENTRY. I did my Jamb regularisation last year but have yet to receive a confirmation mail from Jamb. I even then went to my school but I was told they processed it and it has been submitted to Jamb already. Can I apply for DE without the Regularization being approved? However for the past weeks now, if I check my portal for my admission status, it shows my admission has been processed.
Can I apply for the DE without the Regularization being approved
Your admission need to be regularized first, you can create a ticket on JAMB COSS for further investigation on this.
Good day Jamb Doctor ,pls I am having an issue as concerning me buying DIRECT ENNTRY form this 2024 but I have not done jamb regularisations, and the information I am getting sir/ma is that I cannot apply For DE without being regularized by jamb. Pls 🙏 I need your help on this
Good day Efe, what course and school did you study in before now, and what course do you wish to apply with DE to?
Have they started regularization for 2018??
Yes, but this will pause when JAMB registration begins
I did jamb undisclosed admissions August 21 till now have still not gotten any email from jamb please how long does it take
I did jamb undisclosed admissions August 21/2023 till now please how long does it take cause have still not gotten any email from jamb about it
It should not take this long, I would recommend you file a complaint via JAMB COSS. Details on how to do this can be found HERE.
Pls I gain admission without jamb 2017 which was partime and now I was about to do jamb regularization without jamb I was told there is issue on the portal processing that… Pls how long will it take to resolve this issue
Cannot tell exactly, you should try again next week
Please does this mean I should go and do jamb regularization. And does it mean that I don’t need to submit indemnity form to my school
Yes, you should visit JAMB office to get your admission regularized, as for whether or not you will still need to submit your Indemnity form, this will be clarified at the center
Can I reregister for condonement of undisclosed illegal admission using the same matric no ?
And can I use Hnd matric no for the regularization?
By the same matric number you mean?
I got the D.E form prior to this year 2020/2021, I was given admission but I couldn’t process it due to financial constraints, I intend to do change of institution, and pick another institution this year with that same D. E but on my jamb caps it says I should retrieve my reg no., will it work?
You will have to re-register all together.
I did my nd without jamb though my course of study is still not acreditted. I was asked to do regularization to enable me pick direct entry but the indemity form school gave me states that i was offer admission in public administration instead of masscommunication. What do i do?
You will have to confirm this error with the school’s exams and record in which you ran your ND program.
I want to use my ICAN ATS as direct entry for 2023 . Do I need to do jamb regularization?
Depending on whether or not, your previous admission was through JAMB
It’s. Institute of chartered accountants of Nigeria not a university
Please I need help where can I do the regularization without going to ikoyi I live along ojo axis.
I want to buy direct entry form and I have been asked to do jamb regularization, upon getting to jamb office, it’s has been closed till May 6 . What do I do ? I need to buy the form this year
You still can, but only after the UTME exam is concluded, wait till next week
I sat for jamb in 2019 and I am currently in 300l,but no jamb admission letter yet .
My caps is showing my actual course, institution,but say not yet admitted .I have complained to my school and they said it’s because my portal is showing awaiting result( waec) ,so they are not able to upload my details to jamb. I can’t upload my waec result again and it’s with me . What should I do ?
You should visit JAMB office (not accredited center) closest to you to rectify this.
Please I didn’t obtain jamb form this year and I want to use jamb regulization to enter school,is it possible that I will go for nysc.
Because someone people are saying is not possible to go for service without obtaining jamb form
If I got your question correctly, you want to process your admission without using JAMB, if that is the case, upon graduation you will be asked to do JAMB regularization, once that is done, you will be able to go for NYSC
My dear of birth is incorrect and I have graduated , how do I correct it to reflect in my exemption letter ?
Unfortunately, the Board do not allow change of DOB on JAMB portal
What should I do if my admission status on my jamb portal says congratulations, I’ve been given admission and I can’t print my admission because it kept saying I’ve not being given admission
I did jamb regularization last two months, few days ago, I checked on my admission status I saw congratulations, I should click on my caps for details, couldn’t access that. So I paid to the cafe man to help print my admission letter but it kept showing that I’ve not being given admission. I don’t understand
Check your mail box to confirm your regularization was approved. If approved, you will be sent a mail
I did undisclosed illegal admission and change of institution to the school I got admission i printed a form and submitted it to my school but now I want to go for nysc and my name is not on the jamb matriculation list. I checked my admission status it shows I have been given admission but I can’t not print my admission letter cause it’s saying that I don’t have admission. I wrote jamb 2019 but go admission 2020 please what do I do
Good day Hussaini, If I got you correctly, you already applied for JAMB regularization and submitted the necessary document to your school, but even with that, you are unable to print your JAMB admission letter because JAMB CAPS is yet to confirm your admission?
How long does it take jamb to respond to me after my school submits the indemnity form to them? Would it be mailed back to jamb?
This typically takes a week, but sometimes can take longer
Please I schooled in edo state can I do my jamb regularization in lagos?
Yes Cynthia, you can visit JAMB office in lagos state to regularise your admission
Thanks, cause some people have been telling me to go to the state i schooled, that if i do it in lagos it won’t work?
NO, that is not the case.
My institution transferred me to another course. I accepted the change on my jamb caps. Do I need to do change of course, because it’s my old course that’s still showing on the school portal. Or do I go for regularization?
I am guessing your admission was processed recently, you will need to do JAMB change of course.
For now, read this: After Accepting Transfer Approval On JAMB CAPS Here’s What Next
I used my jamb to do a bsc program..now I have and ND I want to use for direct entry and I didn’t gain the admission through jamb..do I have to do jamb regularisation?
If I got you correctly, you have both BSc (which was through JAMB) and ND (without JAMB), and want to use your ND program for direct admission right?
IF that is the case, you will have to regularize your ND admission
With the picture attached, do I still need to go for regularization?