Difference Between JAMB And Post UTME: What is the difference between Post UTME and JAMB?, Is Post UTME more difficult than JAMB?, Is Post UTME compulsory? is Post UTME and JAMB the same thing?
In this article you and I will be embarking on a journey, Oh YES, a Journey to uncovering the differences between JAMB and Post UTME Exam, keep reading for details?.

These two Exams are the big wigs when we talk about Examinations in Nigeria, they are the most dreaded and most times determines whether or not a student will progress further to higher learning except if the Student explore other JAMB alternative to gain Admission.
To increase your chances of being admitted you will have to score high to increases your chances of being admitted.
Read Also: JAMB CAPS 2023/2024: How to Accept Or Reject Admission
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At times there are need for clarifications about the discrepancies between these two Exams, you see student asking questions like…
a. Is JAMB more difficult than Post UTME Exam b. What is the actual difference between JAMB and Post UTME c. Is JAMB and Post UTME compulsory for admission? d. Are same subjects written in JAMB and Post UTME
If you find yourself in need of any of the answers above or other related questions then you are at the right place.
In Today’s Episode of my JAMB Doctor series I will demystify these two exams while exposing their major differences, all you have to do from your end is Sit tight, take a glass of water and enjoy the write-up, don’t worry, I will make it as fun as possible.
DRUGSAVANT POST UTME TOOLKIT A. Required Subjects To Write In Post UTME B. Universities That Do Not Write Post UTME 2023/2024 C. Difference Between JAMB And Post UTME D. How Schools Conduct Post UTME For admission E. How To Answer Post UTME Aptitude Test Questions F. How To Gain Admission With Low JAMB Score (120 to 170) G. JAMB Caps Login: How To Login & Check Admission Status H. WAEC Result Checker: How To Check Waec Result Online I. How To Change JAMB Email Address For JAMB Profile J. JAMB Subject Combination For All Courses
What Is JAMB?

JAMB is an acronym for Joint Admission And Matriculation Board, this body is responsible for conducting entrance examination for tertiary-level institutions for prospective undergraduates into Nigerian universities.
Function: | Conduct Matriculation Exam for Admission into tertiary institutions in Nigeria |
Year Founded: | 1978 |
Matriculation as a word means “Admission to a group (especially a college or university)“.
As a body all admission preceding’s is through JAMB, the Board do not just regulate admission into Universities alone but also to Polytechnics and Colleges of Education, hence the word, JOINT.
Exams are conducted for students interested in Using JAMB to gain admission, they will be allowed to select four (4) subjects (not really select though because each course has a designated subject already), and must get a certain score which will be determined by the school the student applied to, to qualify for admission.
This is where Post UTME comes in, after JAMB has played her role of conducting the necessary exam for students, these students will be sent to his/her school of choice where the final Admission proceedings is completed.
Read Also: How Much Is JAMB Registration Form 2023/2024 UTME/DE
What Is Post UTME
Post UTME is an acronym for Post Unified Tertiary Matriculation Exam, Each School (University, Polytechnic or Colleges of Education) organize or conduct their Post UTME independently, and you need to pass this just as much as you did in JAMB or even better to increase your chances of being admitted into your desired school.
Unlike JAMB, Post UTME Exams can take various forms and these forms include…
I have explained elaborately the method various Schools employ to organize Post UTME for their Student, you can check that out HERE.
Student may have to prepare just as much as they did for JAMB if the school they chose as preferred choice will be using the Test Screening method.
READ ALSO: Post UTME Subject Combination & Syllabus For All Schools
Haven covered what JAMB and Post UTME, I will now show you clear differences between these two.
Difference Between JAMB And Post UTME
The difference between JAMB And Post UTME are highlighted below…
1. | JAMB Is a single body that regulates admission for all Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education and even Private Institutions). | Post UTME is adopted by most schools for sieving student for admission and is not regulated by a single body, therefore different schools use different method for Post UTME |
2. | JAMB is strictly a CBT Exam | Post UTME can take various form, it can be Test Screening, Physical Screening, Online Screening or Oral Screening, depending on what the School deem fit that year. |
3. | To be eligible to sit for JAMB you must have at least five (5) credits in your O’ level core courses | To be eligible for Post UTME you must score the minimum JAMB cut off mark specified by your school of choice |
4. | JAMB stands for Joint Admission and Matriculation Board | Post UTME stands for Post Unified Tertiary Matriculation Exam |
5. | Most Students Sits for JAMB | Not all student who sat for JAMB will be able to sit for Post UTME |
6. | JAMB Exam is for all students | Post UTME is only for students that chose the school during JAMB registration |
I guess the table above summarizes the difference between JAMB and Post UTME Exam.
Below are answers to some frequently asked questions (FAQ) on JAMB and Post UTME…
Frequently Asked Questions
Is JAMB More Difficult Than Post UTME?
NO, JAMB Is not more difficult than Post UTME, nor Is Post UTME more difficult than JAMB, although most persons seems to believe that Post UTME is more difficult.
This is because of the unpredictable question you can be asked that is not related to your field, like APTITUDE TEST QUESTION, But my opinion on this is different.
I believe with sufficient preparation no Exam is difficult to pass, how simple you find an Exam is directly proportional to your level preparation
How Many Subject Are Written In Post UTME
You are to write a total of four (4) subjects in your Post UTME Exam, these four subjects are the same with what you sat for in JAMB, although some schools may add some aptitude test questions to test the IQ of their students.
This means, Students who sat for Use of English, Government, Economics, and Mathematics are likely to sit for these same subjects again in their Post UTME.
You can confirm this by going through the Past Question of your school of choice.
Is Post UTME A Written Exam?
The truth is, not in all cases is Post UTME in the form of a written exam, the form it takes is based on the school in question, although some Universities are known for written exam (Schools like the University of Benin) others just prefer to conduct screening like Ambrose Alli University.
Is Post UTME Compulsory?
YES, if the school you choose in JAMB Conducts Post UTME, it compulsory you sit for the Post UTME if you want to be admitted
What Is JAMB Official Website
JAMB official Website to access your Student Information can be accessed at https://www.jamb.gov.ng
JAMB CAPS website can be accessed @ http://caps.jamb.gov.ng/default.aspx?TokenID=P
Meaning of UTME in JAMB
The UTME in JAMB Stands for Unified Tertiary Matriculation Board
When Will Schools Start Sales Of Post UTME form?
Sales of form for Post UTME is 2-3 months after JAMB Results has been released, this normally falls within the month of September through to November.
How Much Is Post UTME Form?
The cost for Post UTME form for Schools Across Nigeria is N2500
Official Post UTME Website?
There is NO Official Post UTME website, each school have her student Portal for registering student for Post UTME, you can finish the official website for your school of choice.
Difference between Screening and post UTME
Yes, Screening is quite different from Post UTME, for Post UTME you will expected to sit for an Exam while in screening NO Exam, just submission of the requested credentials.
Is Post UTME & JAMB the same thing?
NO, Post UTME and JAMB though serving similar purpose (which is to select students for admission based on academic prowess) are not the same
While Post UTME is organized by Universities or Polytechnics JAMB is a central body on her own which organize Exams not restricted to a particular Tertiary Institution.
Full Meaning Of JAMB and UTME
JAMB means Joint Admission and Matriculation Board while UTME stands for Unified Tertiary Examination Board.
JAMB RECOMMENDED TEXTBOOKS... A. JAMB Recommended Physics Textbooks B. JAMB Recommended Chemistry Textbooks C. JAMB Recommended Biology Textbooks D. JAMB Recommended Economics Textbooks E. JAMB Recommended Government Textbooks F. JAMB Recommended Use Of English Textbooks G. JAMB Recommended Mathematics Textbooks H. JAMB Recommended Literature In English Textbooks I. JAMB Recommended Commerce Textbooks J. JAMB Recommended Christian Religious Study (CRS) Textbooks K. JAMB Recommended Textbooks For All Subjects L. How JAMB Is Marked And Scored (All You Need To Know)
In Conclusion
JAMB and Post UTME are not one and the same Exam, they play entirely different role in admitting student and are organized by entirely different bodies.
Read also: How To Resolve JAMB CAPS Showing Blank 2024
This will be all for now, I understand you may have a question or two to ask, feel free to drop them using the comment box below!
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can utme registration be done in cbt centers
Can one be admitted into university of it choice without written post utme
Only if the school do not use Post UTME for admission, but if Post UTME is a requirement then you must sit for the Exam to be considered for admission