Link Address To JAMB Profile: How can I link my JAMB profile to my Email?, I tried accessing my JAMB portal and when I tried to log in, I was asked for my email address, but I don’t remember using email for my JAMB registration
Hey SAVANT! In today’s episode of “JAMB Doctor Series” we will go through how you can effectively link your email address to your JAMB CAPS Profile / Portal… pretty cool right? STAY TUNED!

In a bid to reduce the rate of Student’s Data Exposure, JAMB announced that Students will no longer be required to use their Email address for JAMB registration.
But, why did JAMB come up with this Idea of Registering JAMB without using Email Address?💭
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According to JAMB Registrar, candidates’ information are exposed to dubious cyber-cafe operators and other criminal elements who in the course of their UTME/ Direct Entry registration steal email passwords to perpetrate fraud.
He also said, “They gain access to profiles of these candidates under the pretense of creating an email address for them. Then they change and block the candidates from receiving messages from the board. They also extort them after they change their passwords”.
The only major requirement to carry out your registration is your Phone number.
What Is An Email Address?

Email is an acronym for Electronic mail, According to Wikipedia, An Electronic mail (email or e-mail) is a method of exchanging messages (“mail”) between people using electronic devices.
This email allows you receive information from JAMB when the time is right, it also allows you to be able to create a profile account with JAMB where you can carry out activities like;
- Check JAMB result
- Print JAMB Admission letter
- Do JAMB correction of details if you accidentally make a mistake in your student data (Name, Date of Birth, e.t.c)
And lots more.
If you do not already have an Email address, you can follow this short guide on how to create an Email address for yourself, after successful creation of your email, you can then proceed with reading this post.
Read Also: Deadline To Accept Or Reject Admission On JAMB CAPS
How To Create Email Address For JAMB

- First visit
- Click on the “create account” button
- After which, you will be provided with a form, fill this form appropriately.
- Follow the prompt thereafter and create your Account.
Keep your Email and Password jealously, because you will be using it all through your admission process.
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NOTE: Without linking your Email to JAMB, you will not be able to access your JAMB Profile online, so it is pertinent you do the linking
Requirements To Link Your Email Address To JAMB
To be able to successfully link Email to JAMB profile, you must have the following; an Active Email Address and JAMB CBT Center
How To Link Email Address To JAMB

Below are steps to link your email to JAMB portal;
- Locate JAMB accredited center closest to you
- Make sure you have created the email address you wish to link to your JAMB profile, you will be asked for it when you get there
- Tell who ever is in charge of JAMB operations that you want to link your email address to JAMB and they will get the Job done for you
- You will receive an email notification containing your password for login as shown in the image above
- Login using the email now linked to JAMB and the password sent.
Once your email has been linked to JAMB, you can then access your JAMB CAPS to accept or reject admission
See Also: How To Correct Mistake Made In JAMB Registration
Deadline To Link Email To JAMB
There is NO DEADLINE to link your Email your JAMB profile, which means, you can do this freely at any time.
You should do it now if you can, you know how the saying goes “delay is dangerous”.”
Frequently asked Questions
How to know your email has been linked to JAMB
To know or confirm if your email is now linked to your JAMB profile, all you have to do is open your eMail and check if you were sent a mail from [email protected].
If yes, it means your linking to JAMB profile was successful.
Simply open the mail sent [email protected], there you will get the password which you can now use to login to your JAMB Portal.
What Happens If I Don’t Link My Email To JAMB
If your Email is not linked to JAMB, you will not be able to; Access JAMB Caps, Accept or Reject Admission, Do JAMB Correction, Access JAMB Market place and lots more.
Also, if you try to access your JAMB caps, you will get the field back saying, JAMB Caps not Eligible
JAMB Email Login
After you link Email address to JAMB, you will be able to use this Email to login to your JAMB CAPS Portal @
Must I Link My Email To JAMB Before Re-Printing
No, you must not link your email address to JAMB before printing or reprinting your JAMB slip.
So, whether or not you link your email to JAMB, you will be able to reprint your JAMB slip and check your Exam date and schedule, what not linking your email to JAMB will preventing you from doing is not accessing your JAMB profile, and JAMB reprinting is not through JAMB profile.
How To link email to JAMB without SMS
You can link your email at any JAMB accredited center without using SMS
Is Email compulsory for JAMB
Yes, Email is compulsory for JAMB, but it is not required during registration.
So you can go ahead with JAMB registration without email, but after registering for JAMB, you must link your registered JAMB details with your email address using the steps I have shown to you here.
In Conclusion
You must ensure your JAMB Email is properly link to your JAMB profile as this provides you with the password you will need to login to JAMB CAPS.
Read Also: Difference Between JAMB And School Cut Off Mark
This will be all for now😊, have a question or two to ask, feel free to drop them using the comment box below!
Related Searches... a. how to link my email without sms b. How to link email to jamb online c. how to link email to jamb 2023 d. deadline for linking email to jamb
Good morning sir,please during registration as I was about to fill in a new email..jamb sent in an old email I used for jamb 2019 and the person registering could not change it..I can access my caps with my old password but my complain is that jamb did not send me a password,I don’t know if it will affect me in any way
Hey Charlie, when you login to your JAMB CAPS, if your profile is updated to 2022 then you have nothing to worry about.
Good day sir please I went to link my email to my jamb profile yesterday but I am yet to receive any login details. Please I hope it is not that the Linking was unsuccessful
If you did not receive any Login details then it is most likely it wasn’t, you should revisit the center for complaint
I wanted to link my email to the jamb portal but it said invalid email
You can only do this at a JAMB accredited center as the SMS method of linking is not longer active
Pls I followed your instructions on how to link my email to jamb portal but it’s not working. I’ve been sending my email to 55019 but they keep on saying wrong parameter, invalid email format, pls what do I do?
Sorry about that Cynthia, the reason it did not work is because self-service for linking of email to JAMB is paused.
What this means is that, you can only link your email to JAMB at an accredited JAMB CBT center.
I just noticed that a wrong email was used while registering my jamb. Is it possible to change/ update my email address?
Currently, no option to officially change email used for JAMB registration, you best bet now would be to create an email with same address to what you registered JAMB with
I’m currently facing same issue
And i don’t think there’s a remedy to this????
Try creating and email address similar to the error you made
I can’t login to my jamb portal again, I no my email but nt no password, have tried to reset password but my email is not showing d password sent to me through jamb
Your password should be sent to the email you linked to JAMB except it was not correctly linked.
Sir I did jamb last year and I use the same number I used for last year to register for this year also,the email I used for last year show on my slip and the email is not valid and I did not link up my email while registering. Sir what can I do to correct the mistake🙏?
Sorry about this Ifeoluwa, First I would advice you create an email address that is similar to the invalid email that was used when you registered (hopefully it has not been taken)
Then request for password using the SMS method, see more details on this here 👉
Also, you can send a direct complaint to JAMB via JAMB COSS or visit any JAMB office closest to you to file your complaint.
Sir please I have been trying to link mine and have created several other email addresses to try and link to jamb but all to no avail. Please help
Hey David, you can no longer link your email to jamb yourself using the USSD code.
To get this done, simply visit any of jamb accredited center closest to you, and ask for your email to linked. Don’t worry, this should be done for you for free!
Pls sir I was trying to create my jamb portal and I was sent a confirmation code but I lost it pls can I get a new one to enable me register it
Hey Favour, kindly note that, creating Jamb profile for 2022 Jamb student should be done via linking of their registered email to Jamb and not online registration, I have a detailed guide on the right steps to take via this link below…
Since self-service for the linking of email is currently not functioning, you can visit any Jamb accredited center to initiate the process.
I think i figured it out. Try writing the email once instead of twice, and you will be fine. I was also having the ‘invalid email format” issue until i wrote the email address just once, and it worked. So, instead of: Email [email protected] [email protected]
The format should be like: Email [email protected]
Hello, I have been having troubles linking my email.. I tried using the format as in your illustrations but I receiving the same response *Invalid eMail Format. Kindly Specificy a valid email address. e.g. [email protected]*. I even created another email.
According to my jamb registration form, no email was used when registering and there wasn’t even a box to fill it in.. Please what do I do???
I will need you to first confirm from your Jamb registration slip if any email address can be found on it.
I have confirmed and there is no email address included in the registration slip
If that is the case Just, you will have to go to an approved jamb Cbt center, for your email to be linked.
Thank you… I will
This is what is showing me. It is not working
Hey Ebenezer, if you look closely at the screen shot you sent, it is not in the exact same format as I have shown in this post, makes sure the text editing is in exactly same format as what is shown HERE
secondly, the email you are to send should be what is shown in your Jamb registration slip.
Check and correct any of these two possible causes and you will be fine.
Hello sir, I have tried to link my email to my jamb Severally but it keeps repeating the same response which is invalid email format. Even tried using the format the message suggested but all tono avail. I also went ahead to create new email address but nothing works.
Sir I attached some screenshots of the response I got. Please what do I do.
Hey Jim, the Email address you link to Jamb must be what you used when registering for jamb…
…check your Jamb registration slip to confirm this.
good morning Sir, i Try Linking it
but its showing me invalid email
Good morning to you too Promise,
Make sure the email you are trying to link to your Jamb profile was the same you submitted when you registered for jamb.
You can confirm the email by checking your Jamb registration slip.
Also make sure the message sent to 55019 is in exact same format as with what I illustrated in the image above…
Sir pls I tried Linking my email to jamb portal but this is wat it brings
Hey Esther
The format you sent was wrong, make sure it is exactly in this format👇
[email protected]
[email protected]
One more thing, make sure this is the email address you registered jamb with, else you will get the invalid mail response.
Good luck!
I didn’t include an email during my registration
Check your Jamb registration slip to confirm
But we didn’t register any email with jamb earlier
Check you jamb registration slip for confirmation
sir, i wrote JAMB last year and used my boss phone number due to what happen last year concerning the issue of NIN and this i registered for JAMB again and the phone number of last was banner and my boss is not in Nigeria again, is possible for me to do changing of phone number
first of all, Jamb do not allow Change of Phone number.
don’t get this statement, do you mean you registered for Jamb using thesame phone number you used last year?
Sir, it’s me again mutiat. Am still having same issue when i tried it after 24hours
It appears this issue is not peculiar to you Mutiat, which would only mean that Jamb may be experiencing some issues with their system.
same with till now no progress
I mean same with me. I have been doing the same thing to no progress
Make sure the email address you are trying to link to Jamb is exactly the same with what you have on your Jamb registration slip
Sir please how can I link the exact email when I didn’t use any email address to register
Hey UJU, have you tried the step by step guide shown to you here?, if you have but was not successful, you will have to go to any of Jamb’s accredited CBT center around you to complete this process.
It’s not working
Sir, really sorry for stressing but it’s still saying same thing
No Stress Mutiat 👌
Try creating an email without numbers (though, that is likely not the cause but to be sure) and send to using same format you used now.
If the issue persist, try again after 24hours…
That should get the Job done, otherwise, do well to let me know.
See it sir
I even create new e-mail address but it keeps saying same thing
From the image you sent Mutiat, you will observe that it is not the same format with what I specified here…
This is how it should be…
[email protected]
[email protected]
but what you did was a bit different, make sure after the word ‘Email’ you enter your email address in the next line not on the same line.
your SMS must be in three (3) lines.
What you sent was 👇
Email [email protected] [email protected]
all in the same line instead of…
[email protected]
[email protected]
They are two different format entirely.
Correct this, and your email will be linked just fine… CHEERS🎉
It’s not working sir, I tried it that way too I was told invalid email format
Hi sir, i tried linking my email to jamb but it keeps saying invalid email format. I sent the exact format you showed, but it keeps saying invalid email format. Numbers are attached to my email, can that be the issue sir?
Hey Mutiat,
Invalid mail format most times is as a result of the way you format the text you sent to 55019, you may think you used the right format shown in the image on this post, but the phone you use matters.
I would recommend you use a phone that would allow you present the SMS in the exact same format (like an android phone).
If the phone you are using is one that allows you present the message in the exact same format without using the space key, then you should wait for a while and try at night when the number of student attempting this is lesser. That should increase your chances.
P.S, numbers attached to your email address do not matter, what matters is whether or not the email is correct and active.
But you can still try creating a new email address and link to jamb if you have your doubts…
Good luck Mutiat👌
Look at it sir
Please I wrote jamb last year but did do well so I didn’t use my last year jamb neither did I link my email..I wrote this year and have been trying to link my email to jamb i have tried everything from different site multiple times …i have tried exactly what you said yet I keep getting the response ‘invalid email’
Please I need help and dont know what to do
Hello Jene,
Your best bet would be to create a new email address whether or not you used it for the previous Jamb to see if you will get same response.
I have created a new email and am still getting the same response invalid email sir. I have send a ticket to jamb also explaining my site
situation *
Make sure the email sent is in the exact same format as shown in the image here
I tried linking my email to jamb but it’s writing invalid email format
Hello Victor,
You will only encounter this error when you dont send the SMS in the exact format recommended by Jamb which I have shown to you here
Please can u help me to link my email to jamb
I’ve been trying it but it’s not working
Hey Jennifer,
Kindly note that, for your email to be linked to jamb, the SMS must be sent from the sim you used to request for your Jamb profile code.
What this implies is that, no one can help link your email to jamb except someone that have that sim in possession.
If after following this step by step guide, you encounter some error, I would recommended you wait for at least 24hours and repeat the process again…
Good luck!
Good day sir.i registered for my first jamb in 2020.i didn’t register last year but I did this year and I noticed my email address is not on my jamb slip.but for linking our email to jamb,can I use d same email address I used in 2020?
Hey miracle,
Kindly note that, you should not use an email address you or someone else have used before to register jamb, if you don’t have a new email address you can create one easily here
Hi sir,I did jamb this year and I tried to link my email address to jamb through SMS but it keeps saying invalid email address.why is that.
Hey Tomiwa
Make sure the Email address you tried linking to your Jamb profile is not the same with what you used last year.
If it is a different Email, then the error should be in the format with which you sent the SMS, make sure the message you are sending is in the same format as the image provide in the post above.
I try generating my profile code and it keep saying no record found have tried several sims and I was asked to to mail jamb which had been trying for a week now still can’t get it fixed please help me out
What method did you try using to generate your profile code?
I sent NIN space my NIN number to 55019
It keep saying No record found. Send email with NIN and Name to [email protected]. Then try again in 4 hours.
Sending a mail will help troubleshooting, meanwhile, are you using the dame number you used for NIN registration?
Good evening sir, i did not remember the email password that I used for my jamb registration
You should use the forget password option to recover it